Black Extreme and N2AMP Log!

Day: 27/40
Date: 10/01/13
Weight: 194 (1/2 pound down overall)

Bench Progress: 225x8 (ALMOST THERE!) Goal: 225x10
Bent Over Row Progress: 165x10 (GOAL ACHIEVED!!!) Goal: 165x10
Cardio Progress: 110.5/200 Miles Complete

Today***8217;s Training Details
Pull Ups - 8, 5, 5
Chin Ups - 5, 5, 5
Lat Pulldown - 70x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10
High Pulls - 50x15x5
Shrugs - 225x10x3
Rear Delt Flies - 85x8x3
Preacher Curl Machine - 80x15, 95x8, 95x6

Will do cardio later
Completed 10 more miles on the bike @ level 5.

Rating System
Out of 5 (5 Being best, 0 being worst)
Sense of Wellbeing: 3 - headache has me down, also I've had relatively bad insomnia this week.
Hunger: 4
Libido: 5
Strength: 5

I ate 1800ish calories yesterday, 280g protein, 65g fat, rest carbs
Good details bro, I did a very similar back and bi workout tonight with n2amp. I'm still jacked up from that stuff lol. Can't take it too late at night. Keep killin it brother.
loving the detail here nice work as well


Today's workout!
Day: 28/40
Date: 10/02/13
Weight: 194 (1/2 pound down overall)

Bench Progress: 225x8 (ALMOST THERE!) Goal: 225x10
Bent Over Row Progress: 165x10 (GOAL ACHIEVED!!!) Goal: 165x10
Cardio Progress: 115.5/200 Miles Complete

Today***8217;s Training Details
Leg Press - 4 Plates x 10 reps, 6 plates x 10 reps, 8 plates x 10 reps, 10 plates for 10 reps
Forward Lunge - BW, 20lbs, 30lbs
Calf Press - 190x15x5
Extensions - 160x10x3
Curls - 160x15x3
Glute Hyperextensions - 5x10

15 Miles on bike
1 mile on elliptical

Rating System
Out of 5 (5 Being best, 0 being worst)
Sense of Wellbeing: 1 - This insomnia is really getting to me. There is no other explanation other than the Black Extreme, am I the only one who got this?
Hunger: 3
Libido: 5
Strength: 5 - Legs didn't want to quit!

Big Update Guys! I have decided to drop the cycle by five days. I have bumped the dose up a bit to reflect this change. I honestly just want it to be over sooner so I can get some sleep. This stuff is causing crazy insomnia. PROTIP: If you cycle this product, take first dose upon waking and last dose 4-5 hours later. Don't worry about consistent blood levels if you want to sleep at all past week 3.
Day: 29/35
Date: 10/02/13
Weight: 194 (1/2 pound down overall)

Bench Progress: 225x8 (ALMOST THERE!) Goal: 225x10
Bent Over Row Progress: 165x10 (GOAL ACHIEVED!!!) Goal: 165x10
Cardio Progress: 115.5/200 Miles Complete

Today***8217;s Training Details
Hanging Toe-to-Bar - 8, 5, 5, 3
Dragon Flags - 8, 8, 8
Bench Jacknives - 20, 20, 20, 12, 12, 12
Decline Situps w/ 20lbs - 10, 10, 10
TRX Inch Worms - 8, 8, 8
Side Jacknives reps not counted - 30lbs, 40lbs, 50lbs per arm

Cardio update in a bit.

Rating System
Out of 5 (5 Being best, 0 being worst)
Sense of Wellbeing: 2
Hunger: 3
Libido: 5
Strength: 3

Day: 30/35
Date: 10/04/13
Weight: 197.5 (3 pounds UP overall)

Bench Progress: 225x8 (ALMOST THERE!) Goal: 225x10
Bent Over Row Progress: 165x10 (GOAL ACHIEVED!!!) Goal: 165x10
Cardio Progress: 130/200 Miles Complete
Yesterday after updating you guys, I added 13.5 miles to my cardio, all on the bike.

Quick update today since I am not training at all today, just devoted about an hour to foam rolling and stretching my muscles.

After reading other threads about problems with their Xosterone bottles, I tested mine out and it is working properly. However, I went ahead and applied six pumps, and I think I am going to run a low dose of six pumps per day right through my post cycle therapy (pct). I don't expect suppression from such a low dose, not any more than I would with ostarine, and I'm not using it in pct this go round.
Throw on 235 throw that up 5-6 times and after 225 will go up for ya ten times easily

Day: 33/35
Date: 10/07/13
Weight: 197 (2.5 pounds UP)

Bench Progress: 225x10 (got it!) Goal: 225x10
Bent Over Row Progress: 165x10 (GOAL ACHIEVED!!!) Goal: 165x10
Cardio Progress: 115.5/200 Miles Complete

Today's Training Details

Bench Press - 45x12, 135x12, 185x10, 225x10, 225x8, 225x6, 135x8 (515 tempo), 135x5 (515 tempo)
Incline Bench Press - 45x12, 135x10, 155x10, 185x5
Incline Dumbell Fly - 30x10, 40x10, 45x8
Dips - 8, 8, 8
Underhand Crossover - 25x12x2
Seated Military - 115x12x3
Side Lateral - 25x12, 30x12, 35x10
Bench Dips - 12, 12, 12
One Arm Tricep Pushdown - 25x12, 25x10
Tricep Pushdown - 50x12x3
Calf Press - 130x15x3

Rating System
Out of 5 (5 Being best, 0 being worst)
Sense of Wellbeing: 5
Hunger: 1
Libido: 5
Strength: - 5 still strong!

PCT Begins today, I will be posting a review this coming week.

Day: 36/35
Date: 10/10/13
Weight: 195

Bench Progress: Goal AchievedGoal: 225x10
Bent Over Row Progress: Goal Achieved! Goal: 165x10
Cardio Progress: 130/200 Miles Complete

Today’s Training Details
Hanging Toe To Bar – 8, 5, 5, 5, 5
Hanging Leg Raises – 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
Rope Crunches – 50x8x5

Rating System
Out of 5 (5 Being best, 0 being worst)
Sense of Wellbeing: 5
Hunger: 1
Libido: 3
Strength: 5


Cycle Complete! Post Cycle Therapy Began today. I loaded today with a dose of Torem at 90mg, for the rest of the week I will be at 60mg, and the following three weeks will be at 30mg. I am also taking my normal supps, plus 250mg of stinging nettle root in the morning and before bed to unleash my free test, as well as some ZMA before bed. I’m taking 1 ketoburn in the morning and one more mid afternoon for cortisol control. To combat any mood swings I am taking 500mg of St. Johns Wort upon waking. Exemestane is dosed 12.5mg EOD for four weeks. I will continue to take LIV. 52 Double strength.

This cycle has changed my physical appearance, and as the rest of this bloat drops out I’m sure my appearance will be even more different. This Saturday I will switch over from my Black Extreme log to the Father and Son Training log entirely. Before and after pictures for this product testing will be shared on Saturday, as well as updated measurements, for both me and my dad.