Blast and Cruise----++++----++++----++++


New member
We all know PCT is important for proper Bodily Function returning/ other factors

However It is out there that alot of Hardcore Bodybuilders and aspiring hardcores suggest Blast and cruise to maintain size/avoid the hormone crash, accepting the fact they will most likely never produce their own Test again

I don't see any thing wrong with one or the other when done properly. Quite a few bros are already on TRT and take advantage of that by B&Cing. It's all about personal preference and goals. Cycling can still maintain good gains provided your cycle, diet and PCT are all in check and administered properly. So to answer your question no you don't have to B&C to get swole and maintain. In my opinion both take a lot of time and dedication to achieve the overall end result.
In my opinion- cruising is best suited for
- those who are dead set on competing and possible becoming a pro (if you hit the gym just as a personal choice,, no point in destroying your hpta by cruising)
- older guys that are probably fine going on trt at some point anyways

I see no point in a 25 yo guy who lifts just for the fun of it to start cruising
Sadly it is the best way to keep gains after cycle at the cost of ones hpta. If I ever plan on competing in serious power lifting I will have to go this route which is not something I would look forward too. After coming off my last cycle I have only lost about 10-20 lbs off my squat and bench with proper pct so not too bad.
Good thoughts , what kind of anti est would you run during the sayy 200 mg per week of test cruise
Good thoughts , what kind of anti est would you run during the sayy 200 mg per week of test cruise

When I'm cruising on 200 mg I take my AI at .5 mg a day after the injection, then again two days later.. I have capsules and can't split the pill.. May use rui and do .25 mg instead..
But it's all gonna depend on your blood work
A lot of guys blast and cruise as well because their HPTA is already screwed either due to genetics or choices made throughout their life.
Good thoughts , what kind of anti est would you run during the sayy 200 mg per week of test cruise
Good thoughts , what kind of anti est would you run during the sayy 200 mg per week of test cruise

Stick to the same one your using on a blast.. Either arimidex (anastrozole) or Aromisin..

Some guys don't aromatize much at all and may not even need an AI on a cruise,, all depends on blood work
I hardly need an AI at a gram of test. But my TRT is or wiil be after this blast 250 ew, with no AI. To each is on, BUT throw HCG in this mix and I'm all fucked up. Figure that shit out and I'll pay you
I'm on 200mg test cyp a week split into 2 doses every 3.5 days. I take .5mg of adex when I pin and I am dialed in nicely. My total test is a bit higher than the normal range though, somewhere between 12-1300.

I also shoot 150mcg of hcg each night before bed.
I hardly need an AI at a gram of test. But my TRT is or wiil be after this blast 250 ew, with no AI. To each is on, BUT throw HCG in this mix and I'm all fucked up. Figure that shit out and I'll pay you

Is that with bloodwork or broscience? I find that hard to believe...
I hardly need an AI at a gram of test. But my TRT is or wiil be after this blast 250 ew, with no AI. To each is on, BUT throw HCG in this mix and I'm all fucked up. Figure that shit out and I'll pay you

Same happened to me. I did not need an AI at all (stayed in the teens) until I added HCG (250 twice a week), now I am up in the lower 40s!
Here too. I couln't get E2 to read on my first few TRT blood works. It's coming up now though.

Keep checking blood. I think not having T for so long my body stopped making the enzyme. It's coming back though it seems to be creeping up after 6 months of nothing. Maybe HCG did it...hard telling now but it did start coming back after a while so keep an eye on it.