BLAST proposal, TNE question


New member
Hey fam, been a while. Finally moved out of my old place since I got my career rolling elsewhere, and everything seems back on track and organized, I thought why not run a simple 16 week blast, what do you guys think?

Test Cyp 750mg (1-8)
Test Cyp 900mg (8-16)
TNE 50-100mg preworkout
Aromasin as needed.

Simple Testosterone only cycle. Nothing wrong with that, do you guys think so? No need to worry about prolactin, trensomnia, aggression, anxiety or all the other unwanted sides that are brought on by other compounds.

This is my first run with TEST-NO-ESTER and I was wondering what were your experience with it preworkout, and how much did you run? Is it a waste? Is it effective or is it not needed?

thank you
What's your weight, height, what cycle #, approximate age?
I haven't done 750-1000mg for 10-15 years....but grew like crazy on that amount. Also lost a lot after coming off.
TNE is good especially for heavy days gives you a slight edge but aromatizes like crazy. 100mg pw is the lowest id ever do.
On that much test I'm not sure youd notice the tne pre workout. Back it off to 500 mg week and the tne will probably have a more significant impact