Blood Expert Needed ASAP...Big regrets


New member
First, I wouldn’t write this unless I was scared for my life. Second let me say I really love and respect this place even though I don’t post much. The info here is what I’ve always been after. It’s just that for the first time I’m in trouble and really lost. Third, I can admit with big regrets that I did a mistake and I’m done with juice. Please don’t flame me, I know what your thinking, I just hope it’s not too late for redemption. Help would be mean so much.

I was on a 16 weeker, TestE at 400mg all the way and MastE at 400mg for the last 8 weeks. I stopped everything 5 weeks ago because I felt like I was falling apart. BP was not bad but unstable, strong heartbeats, sweats, insomnia, ect. I still managed to do my post cycle therapy (pct) with HCG for 10 days and now still on 20mg of Nolva daily. This was my 3rd cycle. The 2 previous ones were shorter with even less dosage. I guess I’ve always known I was one of those sensitive to androgens. I was too stupid and greedy this time.

I had my lab done before my cycle and everything was spot on except for my creatinine levels barely high which I think is pretty normal for most of us. I did another test 2 weeks ago and ouch. Below are my results.

Glucose, AC Low 4.3 Norm is 4.6 to 6.1 mmol/L
Urea High 10.9 Norm is 2.4 to 8.0
Creatinine High 131 Norm is 60 to 120
eGFR 54.3 Norm is not written
GST Low >10 Norm is 12 to 58 U/L
AST High 64 Norm is 15 to 46 u/L
Creatine Kinase High 974 Norm is 55 to 170 U/L
LKC Low 3.7 Norm is 4 to 11.0
HGB High 190 Norm is 130 to 169 g/L
HCT High 54% Norm is 39 to 50
HDL Choles. Low 0.91 Norm is > 1.04 mmol/L

Everything else I’m not talking about is normal, iron profile is good, cholesterol TOT is good and triglycerides are good.

I do understand that my cycle caused all those. For now what I’m concerned with are my HGB and my Hematocrit being high. Also my Creatine Kinase, it’s like 700% over normal. I tried donating blood but I was rejected for my HGB being too high and it’s the only bank I have within at 500km radius. I went to the ER last week cause I was about to collapse, they saw these readings and did nothing but tell me to relax. I saw my family doctor yesterday she didn’t want to pull blood, instead she referred me to a cardiologist, hematologist and an Endocrinologist but waiting time are months. She’s really nice and I understand her hesitation.

I can hardly do anything demanding. I can’t even shovel any snow because my hearth will jump out of my chest. I’m afraid of working out. So far I can walk and I do it every morning. Working for me is my age and my condition, I’m 35 standing 5,10 at 190lbs with about 7% bodyfat. I try to eat right and drink plenty of water. I was thinking of adding an aspirin daily but I’m not sure. I’m tempted to pin my vein myself and fill a cup of something. I’m not doing it cause I know it sounds stupid. I’m I missing anything, is there anything else I can do? This is changing my life, I have since then put everything remaining in the trash (sorry juicers). I’m making a road block from that path forever.
be sure to see an endocrinologist &cardiologist as soon as u can..... i had some pretty bad sides myself last yr after finishing a 25 wk test/deca cycle (i know, waaayyy too long). i was having anxiety and panic attacks on a daily basis for 2 months straight, which i personally suspect was due to the hpa/hpta axis being shutdown for so long... i also had really high BP which i think was comtributing to the anxiety. I too, couldnt do anything physically demanding or my BP and heart rate would shoot way cholesterol ratio was all screwed up with LdLs high and HDLs low, triglycerides were up too... my DR said my ekg was normal, and blood work didnt show signs of a person at risk of heart attack/stroke (enzymes & proteins were normal) even tho i still felt horrible.... the way i helped myself feel better was i dramatically changed my diet and life style. i went totally organic on every thing, bought a jack lalanne juicer and started juicing veggies& fruits several times a day, i reduced red meat to just once a wk , cut fast food, stopped using microwave and heat over stove...a bit drastic i know but i was willing to try almost anything to get well. after a few weeks i felt better after a month and a half my cholesterol and BP were good. as for physical activity start slow bro, and i say that because u really have no idea why your vitals are shooting up with even everyday things..... as for blood letting, i would try it and see if it makes me feel better. i would try 1 pint but not more than 2, one pint is not risky at all...... but thats just me bro. you do what u see fit. best of luck, hope u feel better. let us know how it works out





NOTE :Only OTR chat or Fuckoff! ASK for A test = Get Ignored~~!!


ICQ Number 606870912--ONLY
Damn. I don't know what to say...Find doctors whose waiting times aren't months? Seems like bullshit that you're supposed to remain in your current condition for that long.

Best of luck man