Blood panel - Is this sufficient?


New member
Hey everyone, so I recently posted my first question on here the other day and got some good feedback so I'm going to throw another one at you guys. I've got two cycles under my belt and am looking to start a third in the near future. I was stupid and never got blood work done before my first one or any time after so I'm going to smarten up and see what I'm dealing with.

I went to the doc today and told him what's up and he gave me a requisition form for blood work. Here's what he put on it

Glucose AC
Total Bilirubin
Alkaline Phosphatase

Thyroxine, free (FT4)


Profile, auto diff

Urine Testing:

Other Tests:

He said to go to the lab and then the results should be back within a week and I can come in to go over them with him. Are these tests sufficient to judge my overall health and recovery from prior cycles? I don't see E2, estradiol or anything to that effect as an option on the sheet which is the only thing I can see that should maybe have been added.
I'm sorry but, why would you not asked that question to your doctor? Why come on an Internet forum and ask if the labs ordered will determine your overall health? You prefer the advise of complete strangers with questionable experience to your physician?

The reason why I state this is because I firmly believe in giving a completely medical history to your physician so that he/her can perform their duties. If its only pertained to cycle recovery, use the site/panels as advised by megatron.
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I did ask the doctor. However it wasn't my family doctor as I'm out of state for school and can't afford a trip home to see my family doctor. I don't know this doctor and therefore don't know his level of knowledge regarding AAs. I wanted to be sure that if these results come back fine that I'm safe to cycle again. I told him the truth, what I took, for how long, and that I wanted to make sure I hadn't done any permanent or irreversible damage and that my body was functioning as it should. This is what he ordered.

I didn't want to use an internet site for panels because by going to a doctor and getting a requisition my insurance covers it.
I did ask the doctor. However it wasn't my family doctor as I'm out of state for school and can't afford a trip home to see my family doctor. I don't know this doctor and therefore don't know his level of knowledge regarding AAs. I wanted to be sure that if these results come back fine that I'm safe to cycle again. I told him the truth, what I took, for how long, and that I wanted to make sure I hadn't done any permanent or irreversible damage and that my body was functioning as it should. This is what he ordered.

I didn't want to use an internet site for panels because by going to a doctor and getting a requisition my insurance covers it.

get your proper blood tests done and im sure you're ok. People cycle way longer and heavy doses who still are absolutely fine after.
I think if you had irreversible sides you would have noticed.
I don't think you can destroy your liver and kidneys on one cycle unless your a tool.

I don't know where you live but being open with the Dr will red flag your life insurance homie. There are way in can and usa to get private bloods done.
Imo that's safer.
I did ask the doctor. However it wasn't my family doctor as I'm out of state for school and can't afford a trip home to see my family doctor. I don't know this doctor and therefore don't know his level of knowledge regarding AAs. I wanted to be sure that if these results come back fine that I'm safe to cycle again. I told him the truth, what I took, for how long, and that I wanted to make sure I hadn't done any permanent or irreversible damage and that my body was functioning as it should. This is what he ordered.

I didn't want to use an internet site for panels because by going to a doctor and getting a requisition my insurance covers it.

I wouldn't have personally divulged your previous AAS use, but what's done is done. You also want to get prolactin and estradiol on there. I'm not a huge fan of just FT4, and would have opted to include FT3 as well. Other than that, you should have a good idea of your general health and ability to cycle again.

My .02c :)
I'm assuming that like 300zx said you recommend against divulging AA use because it will go into medical records and screw up life insurance? What are the implications exactly? Does it make me unable to obtain life insurance or does it make my premiums more expensive? Are there any chances that this information will not go onto my medical record? (I'll ask the doctor next week just curious).
Insurance companies may choose to make you ineligible for life insurance. They will likely view your illicit drug use as a risk factor. And yes, there is a good chance your doctor wrote a note in your chart indicating prior AAS usage. I would not have disclosed this informaon had I been in your place There was no compelling need to disclose it -- it wasn't going to affect your treatment.

As for labs, additional ones that you may want to check are LH and FSH.

Why didn't you just get blood work done at a private lab? See my signature below.
Even if it was a walk-in clinic? Well shit. Hopefully I can still get life insurance otherwise that will have been one stupid mistake to save a couple bucks on labs.
Even if it was a walk-in clinic? Well shit. Hopefully I can still get life insurance otherwise that will have been one stupid mistake to save a couple bucks on labs.

Don't want to freak you out, but if insurance pays for it - they investigate the notes. It really depends on what he put in there, and how he worded it. I'd definitely ask him.

BLEH. Of course I forgot LH/FSH! Damn sneaky decepticon beat me to it again! :bawling: