Blood pressure number to determine Ai dose ...


New member
Hey guys ... so ive notcied these past few week ive been having a slight high blood pressure issue ... so i upped the AI to 0.5mg adex eod ... tested my blood pressure today ... and it back in normal range ... Is it a fair judgement to say that taking this dosage now like this is a good dose and range as long as it maintains ? taking Test 700mg per week and 400mg tren e .. in week 7 of cycle .
Thats strange. When I was using arimidex my blood pressure seemed to increase. I dunno maybe its just me. I used.25 eod and it worked great besides that...
Hi E2 can increase BP. But the only way to tell if you have your E2 dialed in is by getting blood work.

It would be nice to think that because you BP is now in check your AI dose is dialed in but unfortunately that isn't a reliable means for determining that.
The tren will help to raise your bp even if you are able to control your estradiol. Make sure your estraidol is in check, but even then bp can remain very high on tren. Good luck buddy.
It would be nice to think that because you BP is now in check your AI dose is dialed in but unfortunately that isn't a reliable means for determining that.

AS my other thread says I am doing a cycle with Test, Deca and Dbol. I was having headaches and my BP was up. I'm all well aware the only way to tell and to monitor my E2 is to get BW. I am a waiting money for my blood work. My thoughts but mostly supported by the board here, I upped my .25 EOD Arimidex as you did to .5 EOD. My BP came immediately back to my normal range with no headaches.

That's all great but I want to attest that that's not good enough (in my book and others) because I have crashed my Estrogen a few years ago and fear of doing that again at a dose of .5. Therefore I need the blood work to get an accurate level and know what protocol to follow.

When I drop the Dbol I will then have to see where my E level is so I don't crash with the .5.

OP and others I am posting so I can support the real necessity for blood work. I'm another testimony supporting what the vets and sometimes me as well advise what we do. The educated BB as well as the experienced.

What a great forum for all of us BB and lifters alike....... :dance2: ....OMM