Blood quality and supplements that keep it in line


New member
Ok guys. So I have been on EQ the last few cycles along with test. I really get good gains from it but my blood quality is shit now. Tried to donate and they turned me away because my blood was too rich in Iron. My BP is not perfect but not terrible either 135 over 80. I am going to the doctor on Thursday to draw blood and see where everything is at. Obviously I will wait and see what the results are.

Having said that, what have you guys done for increasing blood quality. Supps? different foods? what?

Just this week I have been having some really crappy workouts where I feel out of breath and fatigued. Can't get a pump or in the zone. So I am starting to get concerned. I am currently running test at 300mg a week. Just started adding tren A last week EOD at 100mg. I am 5 pins in on that.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. A few stats below for those that don't know me.

42 yrs old
215 pounds 5'9" 15% BF
Training for over 15 years
AAS the last 3
NPC competitor in CA
Chest 50"
Biceps 18"
quads 28"
Calves 19"
waist 34"
EQ is known for turning your blood into yogurt. How long ago has it been since you last donated blood?

You could ask your doctor to prescribe a therapeutic phlebotomy. You will have to pay to get it done though. Or there is always the option of a self-phlebotomy but make sure you have a friend with you in case you pass out or something.
EQ is known for turning your blood into yogurt. How long ago has it been since you last donated blood?

You could ask your doctor to prescribe a therapeutic phlebotomy. You will have to pay to get it done though. Or there is always the option of a self-phlebotomy but make sure you have a friend with you in case you pass out or something.

Yea the thought of that scares me. I mean the passing out part and accidentally bleeding to death. I am going to ask for the phlebotomy for sure. I just need to get it right. It has been a year since I last donated I usually try to go before and after cycle but this time I opted for not needing it now I am paying the price.
Yea the thought of that scares me. I mean the passing out part and accidentally bleeding to death. I am going to ask for the phlebotomy for sure. I just need to get it right. It has been a year since I last donated I usually try to go before and after cycle but this time I opted for not needing it now I am paying the price.

Start going every 56 days.
So no one else on here had any issues like this and solved it other ways then getting rid of blood?

Other than getting off the gear, there is no other way. If there was, all the guys on TRT would be doing it. I wish there was.

If you are close to the cutoff, try drinking a whole lot of water.
Penicillin lowers rbc -- it's listed as a negative side effect of the drug

It can be had OTC at a veterinary center... Probably not a viable option to self treat though.
Play it safe and work with your doc
Thanks guys, Yea I am going to work with the doctor for sure. Just thought there might be something else I could do in addition.
Blood letting has been practiced for centuries-- dismiss some of the ritualistic nature, it was suppose to be healthy for the recipient ..
Blood letting has been practiced for centuries-- dismiss some of the ritualistic nature, it was suppose to be healthy for the recipient ..

Maybe it will catch on as a spa treatment. Seems like just about everything else is these days. I do remember that for a long time it was a cure all.
One more wild idea: TDF cyclists are tested for hct and disqualified from starting if their hct exceeds 50%.
In the days of EPO doping, cyclists would get a saline infusion just prior to the blood draw, diluting their blood and bringing down (temporarily) their hct.

The problem would be that saline infusion probably isn't any easier to accomplish than self-phlebotomy.
One more wild idea: TDF cyclists are tested for hct and disqualified from starting if their hct exceeds 50%.
In the days of EPO doping, cyclists would get a saline infusion just prior to the blood draw, diluting their blood and bringing down (temporarily) their hct.

The problem would be that saline infusion probably isn't any easier to accomplish than self-phlebotomy.

I thought they were swapping out their blood for old blood they had stockpiled. And then putting the new blood back in after they were tested.
Seriously though, So what do TRT guys do? You can't donate if you inject steroids. Do they just lie, or do their Doctors do the take it at the regular visits. I can't be the only guy to go down this road.
Seriously though, So what do TRT guys do? You can't donate if you inject steroids. Do they just lie, or do their Doctors do the take it at the regular visits. I can't be the only guy to go down this road.

Test isn't on the list of drugs that dis qualify one from donating
Ok but when I went to donate one of the questions were are you on or have you ever been on Anabolic steroids, prescribed or other.
I thought they were swapping out their blood for old blood they had stockpiled. And then putting the new blood back in after they were tested.

The "blood doping" you describe was used after a test for EPO was developed. In that process they "banked" their own blood a few weeks ahead of time (so that their RBCs had time to replenish), then the infused their own "old" blood in addition to their current blood. This wouldn't immediately raise hct. Ideally they would be tested right after the infusion. If they waited, their plasma volume would stabilize and they'd be left with the additional blood solids and higher hct.
Ok but when I went to donate one of the questions were are you on or have you ever been on Anabolic steroids, prescribed or other.

Interesting, that's not among the standard FDA questions. The one most people have to lie about is "have you ever used needles to inject anything (drugs, steroids) not prescribed by your doctor?"