blood work after noticing lump

So I got my blood work back after noticing a lump during my 75mg test prop and 75mg of tren ed cycle. Im also using .5mg arimidex ed and 500iu of hcg/week.

The blood work makes no sense to me so am looking for help as my doctor just said stop everything and ill be ok.

Free test > 346.7 15.6-146. Pmol/l

Estradiol. 222. 0-172. Pmol/l

Prolactin. 7.6. 2.6- 13.1. Ug/l
Your estradiol is elevated. Is your arimidex prescription from a pharmacy or is it from a UGL? .50mg of adex daily is a lot so it is surprising that your estradiol is elevated. You either need more arimidex or a new source for your arimidex.

What is your body fat %?

Also, can you please tell us where you felt the lump? Breasts? Testicles? Somewhere else.

What did your total testosterone come in at? Did you check LH and FSH?
My body fat is 9%, my arimidex is from an ugl Aml. The lump is on my left breast I don't have the paper work with right now to look for the other numbers, I will post when I do.. when I felt the lump I upped the adex to .5mg every 12hrs and its not helping so im really questioning the quality.
My body fat is 9%, my arimidex is from an ugl Aml. The lump is on my left breast I don't have the paper work with right now to look for the other numbers, I will post when I do.. when I felt the lump I upped the adex to .5mg every 12hrs and its not helping so im really questioning the quality.

RUI at the top of the page. Everything I've used has worked and they have a great rep here.
If you have gynecomastia you need to run Raloxifene.

May be worth getting some arimidex from RUI. Or try switching to Aromasin.