Bloods, Liver is doing better, but still some questions


New member
Liver values have come down alot maybe 20 to 30 points each over past 6 months with NAC/ Liv52 and a couple other supps,
Anyway, I am trying to figure out why my Test level came back soo high,
I am only using 300 test E/week as base and Tren Ace 50mgEOD and a blend of a 3 estered Tren( 100 E, 50 H and 50Ace) that I pin 2wice a week. All gear is Optimumpharma (tren ace) and Pharmacon(test and Tren blend). I am also using RUI Prami .3mg every night, Ralox at (120 ED week 1) 60mg/ED currently ( tits started hurting 3 weeks ago) and their adex at .25 EOD. Also pharmacon proviron at 100mg/day.

Dont understand how my estrogen was so high at 46?? Ive always kept it under 35pts.
Do I need to up the adex while on Tren and only 300mg test a week?
Stats are 39, was 30+ BF and currently just under 18 after 11 months of lifestyle changes.

Anyway, you guys see anything I need to be concerned about in my bloods?
I was planning on donating blood this week or next.

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I don't know why your TT came back so high. When did you get blood work in relation to your last injection of Test? And how many mg did you inject?

Tren is known to cause a false positive reading as estradio!. So if you have always been able to manage your estradiol well on your current Test dose I would not make changes to your AI protocol.
I had injected the day before, maybe 20hours prior, but again only using test as the base @300mg/week total. Thats why I am totally blown away by the test level... Ive never gotten anything close to that high before. I usually have test levels at 2500-3000 on cycle with 500-600mg of test/week, so this caught me off guard. Could me supplementing 100mg/week of deca (for my joints) have any effect? Could the proviron or Prami?

Can you use too much Ralox? I feel like when I changed from one brand of test to my current 3 weeks ago my tits were throbbing and typical burn/itch so I began the ralox protocol to ward off any gyno or possible future issues.

Appreciate your help
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I have gotten high test readings with that dose when I injected the day before. Hemotologist said this can happen and he has seen it before. I think my levels were around 2200 on 300mgs.