Bloodwork.... ALL MESSED UP!... need advice please.


New member
Last year I bought 8 bottles test E and split them up in 2 16 week cycles, 1. September to Dec 2014, 2. May to August 2015 (current).

I did 500mg Test E for 16 weeks and Arimidex 0.5mg EOD.

Cycle 1 Blood work 6 weeks in: T.. 4280 ng/dl .... E.. 33 pg/ml

Cycle 2 Blood work 6 weeks in T.. 1598 ng/dl... E.. 132 pg/ml

Everything was the EXACT same in terms of brands, batch etc.

The ONLY difference was..

cycle 1 I did a HCG blast after my cycle prior to PCT, cycle 2 I am doing HCG on cycle at 250X2 a week.

How could HCG quadruple my E2 and diminish my T count by almost 2700 from on cycle to the next?
Doesn't make sense. Sounds like mistaken lab results. 500mg/wk should not put you at 4300ng/dl. And 1600 is low but more believable. The 1600 would be higher with less aromatization.
Was this a labcorp ( NORMAL testosterone assay done through the female panel by chance? Some guys do get results instead of >1500ng/dL, but they're done by diluting your testosterone and performing a calculation.

If it was a sensitive assay both times, then it's either a bad batch, degraded hormone (left in sunlight), lab error, potentially peak vs trough reading (48hrs after a pin is peak, before your pin is trough), or some other factors that I haven't thought of. HCG didn't alter your test levels by any significant amount.
How do you feel? Not sure we can trust your lab results.

I feel fine... from what I understand high E2 makes you weepy and bloated, with joint pain.... I have none of that.... but I can say on the first cycle I was a horny maniac, I wouldve banged anything.... now I can get hard when its go time, but I dont lust like I did on cycle 1.
High E2 doesn't cause joint pain. That is low E2. High E2 actually lubes your joints a bit. Other high E2 symptoms are acne, fatigue, edema, gyno, water retention, emotionalness, inability to get or sustain an erection.

If you feel fine good chance your E2 is probably OK. Sounds like you need to find a more reliable lab though for your blood work.
What about the crazy estrogens levels?

I wouldn't call them crazy; in fact, many don't even notice elevated estradiol until it's around TRIPLE your result. Get your adex from the same source?

Just looks like slight underutilization to me. ;)
I wouldn't call them crazy; in fact, many don't even notice elevated estradiol until it's around TRIPLE your result. Get your adex from the same source?

Just looks like slight underutilization to me. ;)

Yes Adex was from the same source...."Just looks like slight underutilization to me".. I dont follow?