Bloodwork and a cold prior to first cycle?


New member
Good afternoon everyone, I've posted a few times before and am just about to start my first cycle. Before I start, following this forums advice and common sense, I intend to get bloodwork is my dilemma. I literally JUST came down with a nasty headcold and have my lab appointment for tomorrow morning. Additionally, I had intended to use my first pin when I got home from my lab appointment. Is having a cold and using some otc cold/flu meds going to screw up my baseline labs? I'm ok waiting a week or so, but the timing starting tomorrow would be optimal for vacation plans I have in a few months.

Sorry if its a silly question, I'm just trying to be smart and not screw myself up!

Btw, stats: 29, 4 years training, 205lbs 12%bf, 6'1. Goal is to gain 10lbs of lean muscle.

Cycle is test p 100mg and cut 150 (tren ace, drost p, test p 50 each) 3 times a week for 12 weeks.

Its all I could get safely without internet shopping. Also taking nolva for gyno during cycle, Clomid post cycle and have hcg to blast before pct.

Thanks in advance!
I was going to get a female hormone panel. Shows estrogen, test, rbc, cholesterol, ect.

Found it from privatelabmd and from these boards recommending the female panel to get estrogen numbers too.
I think you are fine getting your bloodwork whenever. Some stuff in your CBC will be off, but that's ok. It won't affect the ones you are most concerned about.

You do know that you can just walk in and it is first cone first serve right? Just wait a couple of days until you are feeling better and just walk in. Most of the time I only have to wait about 5-10 minutes.

By the way, for checking Natty levels, make sure you go in first thing in the morning.
Thanks. I'm almost 30 and have been considering this for several years. No point rushing into something without taking all precautions!
I think you are fine getting your bloodwork whenever. Some stuff in your CBC will be off, but that's ok. It won't affect the ones you are most concerned about.

You do know that you can just walk in and it is first cone first serve right? Just wait a couple of days until you are feeling better and just walk in. Most of the time I only have to wait about 5-10 minutes.

By the way, for checking Natty levels, make sure you go in first thing in the morning.

Agreed. And he should be npo prior to the morning blood panel. Glad he's getting a panel done prior to pinning. I'd say most don't, but all should.
Taking Megatrons advice and waiting a few days for the bloodwork. Having a hard time functioning without meds lol. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, buy if I started pinning today (this afternoon), and I get my labs done Wednesday morning before my next pin, would it totally mess up my baseline?