New member
Hey All,
Did some follow up bloodwork with my TRT through ( Privatemdlabs.com)...expected something was off. Joints bothered me and didn't feel right. Estrogen way low! Glucose is high, on keto diet so that struck me weird. Been stressed to all hell, had two knee surgeries in last 4 months and the last one being 2 weeks ago. Called my TRT clinic and sent lab results, gonna make changes. Going to donate blood today or tomorrow as well. Any vet input on these? Figured post to see what others say and help some others out that don't know about bloodwork, the responses are always informative. Gonna get things in check before I do my blast. Thanks!
Did some follow up bloodwork with my TRT through ( Privatemdlabs.com)...expected something was off. Joints bothered me and didn't feel right. Estrogen way low! Glucose is high, on keto diet so that struck me weird. Been stressed to all hell, had two knee surgeries in last 4 months and the last one being 2 weeks ago. Called my TRT clinic and sent lab results, gonna make changes. Going to donate blood today or tomorrow as well. Any vet input on these? Figured post to see what others say and help some others out that don't know about bloodwork, the responses are always informative. Gonna get things in check before I do my blast. Thanks!
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