Bloodwork / crashed Estrogen...need to make changes


New member
Hey All,
Did some follow up bloodwork with my TRT through ( something was off. Joints bothered me and didn't feel right. Estrogen way low! Glucose is high, on keto diet so that struck me weird. Been stressed to all hell, had two knee surgeries in last 4 months and the last one being 2 weeks ago. Called my TRT clinic and sent lab results, gonna make changes. Going to donate blood today or tomorrow as well. Any vet input on these? Figured post to see what others say and help some others out that don't know about bloodwork, the responses are always informative. Gonna get things in check before I do my blast. Thanks!
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Are you running an AI with your TRT?
If so, what and at what dosage?
Hey Bigben , yes! they had me on 2mg of anastrozole a week. I thought was a lot, original bloods were good and this blood has changed a lot in Estrogen area. These bloods were taken 2 days after 100mg shot.
I hate to break it to you, but you can still see your name in the PDF.

Yes, estradiol is way too low. How much AI and which one are you taking? How much testosterone and what is your injection protocol? When was the blood work taken relative to your last injection?

Looks like you need to drink more water too and/or lay of the NSAIDs.
I hate to break it to you, but you can still see your name in the PDF.

Yes, estradiol is way too low. How much AI and which one are you taking? How much testosterone and what is your injection protocol? When was the blood work taken relative to your last injection?

Looks like you need to drink more water too and/or lay of the NSAIDs.

Thanks Megatron, have to delete and reedit the pdf. Taking 2mg a week of anastrozole. Im taking 210mg a week of Test Enanthate....105mg every tues and Saturday. Bloods were taken 2 days after injection of .5 cc.
The pain meds are for knee and done with them now. Water intake is approx. a gallon a day. I fasted for 12 hrs prior to labs.
2mg is adex is way too much for 210mg of test per week. But sounds like you know that know. Skip a couple of weeks and then start taking .25mg with each injection. Recheck your blood work and adjust as necessary on that new protocol.
Agree with this ^^^^ I take 0.5mg Adex E5D with 250mg Test p/w...

The Adex is most definitely the issue here my friend
Thanks guys! Went and donated blood today to to get back in the groove. Once I get numbers dialed in want to do a blast and cruise, atleast I know and have a reference.
Other than joint pain, how did you know? I think I crashed mine or I'm getting sick. I had blood work drawn monday and waiting for the results, but monday I felt on top of the world.

I feel sore everywhere and usually I never feel any muscle soreness. I just lazily, half assed a back/bi workout cause I hurt and have no energy. No joint pain but I take fish oil pills twice a day (one pill early and one late).

Will Monday's test results show low e2 if I was feeling great that day? How long does it take to "crash" your levels? I haven't really changed anything to all of a sudden feel lethargic and sore.
Other than joint pain, how did you know? I think I crashed mine or I'm getting sick. I had blood work drawn monday and waiting for the results, but monday I felt on top of the world.

I feel sore everywhere and usually I never feel any muscle soreness. I just lazily, half assed a back/bi workout cause I hurt and have no energy. No joint pain but I take fish oil pills twice a day (one pill early and one late).

Will Monday's test results show low e2 if I was feeling great that day? How long does it take to "crash" your levels? I haven't really changed anything to all of a sudden feel lethargic and sore.

Hey MJF,
Not too sure but knew something was off. Joints were bothering me, felt lazy and yes went to train and workout was shit. Ordered labwork from and there it was...super low E levels.
Ok. Sorry to hijack. Just figured with it being a related subject, you might be able to answer my question.
Ok. For me it feels a little like an all over achy feeling, like I'm coming down with a cold/the flu. But there is muscle soreness too and only real thing I've changed is adding pull ups and changing from dumbbell shrugs to front barbell shrugs. Haven't gone up in weight or added much else.
Ok. For me it feels a little like an all over achy feeling, like I'm coming down with a cold/the flu. But there is muscle soreness too and only real thing I've changed is adding pull ups and changing from dumbbell shrugs to front barbell shrugs. Haven't gone up in weight or added much else.

Could be the test flu if you just started your cycle. Or might just be the regular plain old flu.
I'm well past the should have started my own thread point so I'll wait for my labs to come back and post the results. No cycle for me, just my trt dose of 75mg e3d. At 150mg per week I was seeing signs of high estrogen so "took measures" while at the same time switching to the twice a week dose.
I'm well past the should have started my own thread point so I'll wait for my labs to come back and post the results. No cycle for me, just my trt dose of 75mg e3d. At 150mg per week I was seeing signs of high estrogen so "took measures" while at the same time switching to the twice a week dose.

Some guys don't need an AI on 75mg twice per week. Probably should have only made one change at a time. Oh well... let's see what your results look like.