Bloodwork done...


New member
Ok my doctor just called me and told me my prolactin levels are a bit high, and my liver count is a bit high as well. Back when i had blood work done in 03 they said the same thing about my liver count, but i was on PH like i stated in a previous thread. He is going to recomment me to a endocrinologist. What should i be expecting as to how to get rid of the lumps in my nipples, one is a grape and the other is the size of a cheerio. I have never done aas. I'm only 19 years old, and curious as to how i could get my prolactin levels up so high. I only take amino acids, creatine, whey, and egg/cassien mix protein powder. Thanks in advance.
Sex and that stuff within 24 hours of the test can raise prolactin.

See if you can get a copy of that blood test which should include your values and the reference ranges.

I had bad liver values when I was your age, but I believe mine were from heavy drinking.
It was andro...notorious for gyno....dont worry others got it too....good luck
no my girlfriend just got off the pill, so i havent had sex or jerked off in about a week and a half.
rookie03 said:
and my nipples itch and ache sometimes.
So you aren't on the gear, but your nipples itch and ache, apparently because of elevated prolactin. Interesting....

If the endo runs more blood tests, try and get him to check your total estrogens and estradiol (sensitive assey) as well. And if that happens, then PLEASE let me know the results.
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mranak said:
He already said it was from puberty.

Read his previous post...andro shutdown...
he got gyno from shut him pct...
whats with the liver though??? why are those levels elevated ?
There are too many variables to tell why his liver counts were high...does he drink alchohol? does he take any other medication? which enzymes were alt and ast were both high..and at the time i found that weightlifting alone can increase the liver counts a bit....another thing that i found from my reasearch was that amino acids also affect liver counts...i was also taking amino acids then just like him and i think my counts were caused by the aminos which was on top of my protein i loved those pills
My liver count was high in 03 and it still is, the doctor told me some people just go through life with a little higher level than others. Yea mrank i will ask him to check both those levels. Im hoping they give me some letro so i only have to pay for the 10 dollars, instead of paying 50 for it. Im waiting on the endo to call me.And i got puberty induced gyno, but the andro didnt help it much. I have a grape in my right nip, and a cheerio sized lump in the left.
rookie03 said:
And i got puberty induced gyno, but the andro didnt help it much.
I know, but FORDMAN wasn't able to understand your previous statement as such, even though you were 100% clear the first time. But he is banned now anyway.

Good luck!
There are too many variables to tell why his liver counts were high...does he drink alchohol? does he take any other medication? which enzymes were alt and ast were both high..and at the time i found that weightlifting alone can increase the liver counts a bit....another thing that i found from my reasearch was that amino acids also affect liver counts...i was also taking amino acids then just like him and i think my counts were caused by the aminos which was on top of my protein i loved those pills

i was unaware of this ,, seeing that my liver counts have VERY recently also been found to be high... i drink 2 shakes a day,,, and lift heavy for 4 days a week.... this could explain it! thanks.... oh and i don't drink ANY alchohol ,, EVER !!!!! so i knew it wasn't that.
ok heres my second set of tests....

kidney test BUN 21mg/dl
kidney test CREAT 1.2mg/dl
glucose fasting 85mg/dl
ld(LDH) ----- 162U/L
potassium-- 4.3mEq/L
PROLACTIN ----25ng/ml
liver test SGOT --- 33U/L
ALT (SGPT) ----- 42U/L
sodium ---139mEq/L
Hormone TESTOS ----494ng/dl
HCG total-tumor----0mIU/mL
heres what i dont get...

Hormone TESTOS--494ng/dl > 245

it says the normal is 245.. so how the hell do i have 494? or am i reading the test wrong?
Do you have an actual copy of these new labs? There should be ranges for each of the tests. I'm curious about the ranges for liver test SGOT and ALT (SGPT), but those values appear to be in the normal range.
rookie03 said:
heres what i dont get...

Hormone TESTOS--494ng/dl > 245

it says the normal is 245.. so how the hell do i have 494? or am i reading the test wrong?
It says that normal is "greater than" 245. Kind of odd that they gave the number like that. Most labs give a full range and for testosterone, and the range is pretty big: like 245-850. Your testosterone, while not super high, is normal. A free testosterone test is a more accurate indicator of your testosterone levels, but you don't appear to have that test.
Im still waitin on the endo to call me and schedule me to come in and see him.. i wana get this rollin see what he can do for the gyno. As far as the SGPT goes it says normal range is 36, and mine is at 42. so thats what he said is a bit high.