Bloodwork pre cycle HELP (Estrogen HIGH) why?

Rack It

New member
I'm a 24 year old male getting ready to run my first cycle of test E for 12 weeks. I have nolva, clomid and aromasin on hand. I like to do all the necessary precautions before starting. What have I done in the past? I ran a 6 week cycle of Hdrol and ran superdrol for 4 weeks two years ago. I'm 6ft tall standing about 205 lbs less than 12% bodyfat right now.

Here's my problem, I just got my bloodwork back and my estrogen is high but my test levels are within range. pic of bloodwork, test and estrogen.

Testosterone - 629
Estrogens - 130

I didn't get e2 or the estradiol on this test or SHBG I think it is. My cholesterol was a little high with my LDL's being at 134 and total at 193. Everything else is in check. Something else to note, is I have gyno in my right pec and I had it in my left but had surgery done several years ago to remove it. Both were from puberty they just decided to grow at different rates. It's not too bad to me but I know it's there and I'm pretty sure it's because my estrogen is through the roof. My libido is extremely low if non existent, and my erections are not full.

My diet is in check, I eat about 6 meals a day, protein about 200g, fats about 50 and carbs a little more than 200 depending on the day. I've read my estrogen could be high because of a zinc deficiency. What else could be the problem and what should I do?

Go see a doctor? Up my fats? Start my cycle? Try aromasin for a few weeks? Help please.
Do you have something called "Estradiol" on that paper? I think total estrogen and Estradiol could be 2 different things, but I could be wrong. Also, what time of the day did they take your blood sample

edit: estradiol is just common a type of estrogen.
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I'm a 24 year old male getting ready to run my first cycle of test E for 12 weeks. I have nolva, clomid and aromasin on hand. I like to do all the necessary precautions before starting. What have I done in the past? I ran a 6 week cycle of Hdrol and ran superdrol for 4 weeks two years ago. I'm 6ft tall standing about 205 lbs less than 12% bodyfat right now.

Here's my problem, I just got my bloodwork back and my estrogen is high but my test levels are within range. pic of bloodwork, test and estrogen.

Testosterone - 629
Estrogens - 130

I didn't get e2 or the estradiol on this test or SHBG I think it is. My cholesterol was a little high with my LDL's being at 134 and total at 193. Everything else is in check. Something else to note, is I have gyno in my right pec and I had it in my left but had surgery done several years ago to remove it. Both were from puberty they just decided to grow at different rates. It's not too bad to me but I know it's there and I'm pretty sure it's because my estrogen is through the roof. My libido is extremely low if non existent, and my erections are not full.

My diet is in check, I eat about 6 meals a day, protein about 200g, fats about 50 and carbs a little more than 200 depending on the day. I've read my estrogen could be high because of a zinc deficiency. What else could be the problem and what should I do?

Go see a doctor? Up my fats? Start my cycle? Try aromasin for a few weeks? Help please.

Im not an expert in blood work but i do know that Dietary fat intake plays an important role in hormonal production/release. I'm not too sure specifically how it plays a role on estrogen levels but you should aim for roughly .4-.5g/lb BW of fat. Your lack of libido and erections not being full are probably a result of high estrogen since your test levels are pretty good. I personally wouldnt start your cycle without figuring out the cause of your high estrogen and lowering it since the exogenous test use will probably just raise estrogen even higher causing more problems. your best bet is to see a doctor and get professional advice (if you do this make sure not to take anyhing so the doctor can get an accurate picture of whats going on). If you don't want to go this route try a mild dose of aromasin 6.25-12.5mg EOD or ED and get blood work done after a few weeks to see if its working. Also fish oil and plant sterols should help lower LDL a little since you said it's on the high side.
Do you have something called "Estradiol" on that paper? I think total estrogen and Estradiol could be 2 different things, but I could be wrong. Also, what time of the day did they take your blood sample

edit: estradiol is just common a type of estrogen.

Estradiol wasn't on there for some reason, I asked them to check it but wasnt on there just estrogen.

Im not an expert in blood work but i do know that Dietary fat intake plays an important role in hormonal production/release. I'm not too sure specifically how it plays a role on estrogen levels but you should aim for roughly .4-.5g/lb BW of fat. Your lack of libido and erections not being full are probably a result of high estrogen since your test levels are pretty good. I personally wouldnt start your cycle without figuring out the cause of your high estrogen and lowering it since the exogenous test use will probably just raise estrogen even higher causing more problems. your best bet is to see a doctor and get professional advice (if you do this make sure not to take anyhing so the doctor can get an accurate picture of whats going on). If you don't want to go this route try a mild dose of aromasin 6.25-12.5mg EOD or ED and get blood work done after a few weeks to see if its working. Also fish oil and plant sterols should help lower LDL a little since you said it's on the high side.

Thanks for the advice, I've been told by numerous people you being one of them to see a specialist. I'm going to see an endocrinologist as soon as possible and put off any serms or cycles until I find the root of the problem. Appreciate the help everyone.
Estradiol wasn't on there for some reason, I asked them to check it but wasnt on there just estrogen.

Thanks for the advice, I've been told by numerous people you being one of them to see a specialist. I'm going to see an endocrinologist as soon as possible and put off any serms or cycles until I find the root of the problem. Appreciate the help everyone.

Just being technical here but aromasin is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) not a SERM. But I applaud your decision to hold off on the cycle until you see an endo. That's a wise decision seeing as how many ppl rush into cycles prematurely.
If your estradiol is elevated and the last time you used steroids was 2 years ago (superdrol), I'm thinking this could either be for two reasons. The first is that you had an inadequate pct either after your hdrol cycle or superdrol cycle (are steroids btw). Even though these two compounds don't aromatize, you can very much get estro rebound during post cycle therapy (pct). I know this because I had a friend that did a hdrol cycle and when he got off he used a natty test booster call inhibit-e and he blew up with fat and bloat, especially around the abdominal and glute areas. This was due to the estro rebound which the inhibit-e couldn't control and as a result his estradiol was elevated. Btw no amount of cardio he did got rid of the estro bloat. He accidentally got rid of it with aromasin while using it with a test cycle. I believe about 10 weeks into cycle he lost about 8 lbs, yet didn't lose muscle. All the weight lost was from his high estradiol.

Second, this could be the result of pubertal gyno. I'm pretty sure pubertal gyno is the result of increase estrogen production.
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Total estrogens includes E1/E2/E3, which at 130 isn't flagged as high. You need an Estradiol test (E2) as that's the nasty one we worry about. Based on that number though, I'm pretty sure you're fine - but it doesn't hurt to have an endo look you over. ;)

My .02c :)

Over the past month I've scheduled my appt with a highly favored endo which isn't until mid-July. Over the past month I've been dosing liquidex .25mg EOD and I just had bloodwork done today. My libido hasn't drastically went up but my erections have slightly improved. I'm guessing my estradiol has went down but not down enough or I crushed it completely. Not quite sure, but I will post bloodwork results in the next few days to see what's going on.

This leads me to my next debacle. I just got some aromasin and clomid. If my e2 isn't down enough should I make the switch to aromasin and see how that effects me. Possibly the liquidex was underdosed or bunk, who knows? Just a thought... I do have gyno in my right breast for those who didn't catch that in my prior post so I'm trying to figure out the best way to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and possibly a SERM alongside it.

I've read about raloxifene doing wonders for minimizing gyno in some people. I've also read that letro is great too minus the libido crusher because e2 just drops off the map it seems like. What should I run if my e2 is high?

Switch to aromasin 12.5mg ED or EOD for 4 weeks then get bloodwork done?

Switch to aromasin 12.5 ED or EOD then run clomid OR nolvadex OR raloxifene for 4 weeks after that. Or possibly start the SERM the last week of the AI?

My main concern is getting my estrogen in check, libido up and erections back like they used to be many years back. Again, I have clomid, and aromasin on hand. I can get nolva or raloxifene if suggested. I would like to hear other people's opinions on my matter, thanks.