Bloodwork question.......


New member
How long after my last injection should I get blood work while on cycle? I pin Monday and Thursdays. I won't get bloodwork done for a couple of weeks but just curious on the relationship between time in between last pin and bloodwork. I would think the length of Ester will have some say in when so fyi I am running enanthate esters. Thanks
I'd give it 2 days after last pin. That seems to be the peak for me but you should be more worried about hemocrit, liver and estradiol than test levels. None of those should be as sensitive to timing, unless you are just trying to validate your gear.

6 weeks after a change in anything seems to be best for trying to see what's going on, in case that is an issue. Ive been told 4 but this works way better for me for whatever reason.
No I was talking about intra cycle bloodwork. I'm donating blood this weekend and will again asap. I did totally forget about ast, alt and e2 being time sensitive as well. So how long after my liquidex and liver supplements should I get my bloodwork done? Any specific time of day I need to go since I'm not having to worry about higher test levels in the morning?