Bloodwork Questions for a Male


New member
Hi everyone,

At some point I will do my first AAS cycle. Bloodwork will be done before, during & after cycle.

Seems there are a few popular bloodwork websites to chose from. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to source them.

What package/panels are recommended at a minimum or maximum for the following:
- Prior to the start
- During the start
- Post cycle

I'm not sure if those 3 matter, but I wanted to be detailed. Lastly, any information on which of the bloodwork websites to use would also be appreciated.

privatemdlabs has always done s good job, just google it.
Get the female hormone panel, be sure to check for total test, Free test, FSH, LH, E2 to name a few.

and yes prior, during and after is good bro.
what does your cycle look like now? pct plan?
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privatemdlabs has always done s good job, just google it.
Get the female hormone panel, be sure to check for total test, Free test, FSH, LH, E2 to name a few.

and yes prior, during and after is good bro.
what does your cycle look like now? pct plan?

Female panel? Interesting. I just don't want something excluded from the test since I'm a male.
I went to private labs', they have a hormone panel male listed at ****NO Price diacussion allowed****
Went to discountedlabs and they have a complete hormone and wellness panel for Men at ********

Never cycled. PCT will be standard Nolva/Clomid dosages. Arimidex on hand for during cycle. HCG during cycle.

From another site, this is the suggested minimum categories for bloodwork:
1. Testosterone, Total
2. Testosterone, Free
3. Sensitive E2 Assay
4. CBC (Compete blood count)
5. CMP (Comprehensive metabolic panel)
6. Lipid Profile (post cycle is fine)
7. LH and FSH (pre-cycle and post PCT)

Just not sure if I want/need more than that. I lack experience and knowledge.
Most of the guys here get the Hormone Panel for Females. If you read closely you will see that the panel is for males too. Do the let the name deceive you. It has all the labs we need and the price is good. They also have versions of the panel with upgraded E2 and/or Total Test from the ECLIA assays to the LC-MS assays for better accuracy.
I think pre-cycle the standard female panel is enough. It doesn't give free test so if you are having problems in that department or considering TRT options it is not the best.

For mid-cycle the LC-MS and sensitive estradiol test works better since it will tell you your test values at over 1,500, and if you are using any 19-nors it will give accurate results. Downside of this test is it doesn't include lipids, and costs about double the standard test.
OP Ill add in :

Pre-cycle will give you the numbers to measure a successful PCT. If you're healthy it gives you specific numbers rather than a guess and judging on how you feel. If your pre cycle TT is 620 ng/dL then that is the goal. Free T/shbg/e2 are all important to. Pre cycle labs are VERY important.

During cycle labs are usually timed when the compounds have reached their stable levels. Makes sure your gear is good, know the levels incase the gear is over/under dosed and if someone's having gyno or other issues it gives numbers to go with symptoms. A good example is my conversion of test to estrogen. My meds increase certain enzyme systems and I aromatize heavily. If I ever cycled I would need a higher dose of AI than most other people.

Obviously post cycle labs are to see how close to pre cycle labs we are.

Like above certain test are very important and for specific reasons. With the right labs at the right time we can get the right information. Tankmanbob be on it for sho!!!
Appreciate the info

So from private's site, I could do something like this?
- hormone panel with estradiol sensitive and test lc/ms-ms
- lipid panel
- test, free (direct), Serum

Is lipid panel necessary for pre cycle? or only post?
And for the hormone panel, it does say it's for a female and also " provide actual levels when total testosterone are >1500"

It gets a little tricky for me as it appears there is more than one way to put blood packages together not just on this site but others too.

And I need to research more in regards to lipid panels being needed strictly post cycle.

The goal is to get the right bloodwork done prior to a first ever cycle.
Female panel? Interesting. I just don't want something excluded from the test since I'm a male.
I went to private labs', they have a hormone panel male listed at ****NO Price diacussion allowed****
Went to discountedlabs and they have a complete hormone and wellness panel for Men at ********

Never cycled. PCT will be standard Nolva/Clomid dosages. Arimidex on hand for during cycle. HCG during cycle.

From another site, this is the suggested minimum categories for bloodwork:
1. Testosterone, Total
2. Testosterone, Free
3. Sensitive E2 Assay
4. CBC (Compete blood count)
5. CMP (Comprehensive metabolic panel)
6. Lipid Profile (post cycle is fine)
7. LH and FSH (pre-cycle and post PCT)

Just not sure if I want/need more than that. I lack experience and knowledge.
Dont post prices, against board rules.