Bloodwork results need help


New member
Did a blood test 3 weeks after i finsihed my pct..
did a test only cycle 500mg and hcg 1000iu per week, 0.5mg adex ed

Test level 952, normal range 827
e2 is fucked.. mine is 103 pg/ml, range is 0-38.9 pg/ml
i have aromasin on hand.. should use it and how much
your PCT drugs are still doing there thing, your test and e2 will both drop over the next few weeks.
you could take a little ARO, it wouldnt hurt. just a fraction of a pill per day should be good
your PCT drugs are still doing there thing, your test and e2 will both drop over the next few weeks.
you could take a little ARO, it wouldnt hurt. just a fraction of a pill per day should be good

my test is on the higher side.. its my e2 which is causin problem like super low sex drive