Bloodwork... should I lower the adex to 0.25mg?


New member
Currently on 500mg Test E, 600mg Mast E, inject both once a week on Sunday.

Running 0.5mg Adex MWF and 500iu HCG Sunday & Wednesday.

I've run this exact cycle before (without Mast), except I was injecting 2x a week, instead of once and using UGL adex instead of Pharma which I am using now.

My blood is as follows...

T.. 2794 ng/dl
E2.. 16 pg/ml

In my previous cycle ... my test was near 5000 ng/dl and E2 was around 60 pg/dl, I felt a whole of a lot better, have no sex drive currently.

1. Will lowering my Adex to 0.25mg help my libido?
2. What's everyone's sweet spot for E2 on cycle?
3. Will injecting 2x a week help my testosterone?
4. Does low E2 affect testosterone?
5. Could Mast lower my T?
I would lower your dose. As far as sweet spot for E2 goes in my opinion it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. This crap going around about wanting your E2 20-30 is horse shit. If you're trying to build muscle you need your E2 higher. Nothing extreme but in the 60-70's will be fine. Estradiol is anabolic and will aid in building muscle. If you're trying to cut while looking lean then having lower Estradiol will aid in less water retention. If you felt better in the 60's then that's where you need to be. If I'm cruising I like to keep mine in the 30-40's. If I try and bulk up then I like to be 50-70's. This is also based on feel not only blood work. Some people may have elevated blood pressure at that level. Having higher E2 during a 12-16 week cycle isn't going to kill you.

1. Will lowering my Adex to 0.25mg help my libido? Maybe. personally I would inject twice a week and yes lower the adex dosage. to only Mondays and Fridays. Skip Wednesday.

2. What's everyone's sweet spot for E2 on cycle? No real answer to this question. 400 people will have 400 answers

3. Will injecting 2x a week help my testosterone? Yes and NO, it will however give you more stable blood levels. It cuts down on the peaks and valleys. You have an initial peak in test levels and E2 levels then taper off. Have you noticed that within the first day or 2 after your shot your Libido is there then gone?

4. Does low E2 affect testosterone? Yes, just like higher E2 will have an effect. Higher the E2 usually means a higher TT level.

5. Could Mast lower my T? No masteron will not lower TT, is does have mild effects on E2 and will usually lower E2.(it is not to be used as an AI)
Will E2 in say the 60's hinder a cut?.. I.e percent fat loss?

No but it will keep you a bit puffier during the cycle. Higher E2 keep your muscles full of water. That water retention helps aid in building muscle. I like to have lower E2 when cutting for the leaner look.

Will not prevent fat loss