

New member
Wheres a good cheap place to get it done for pre/during/post cycle.

Also is it necessary if your healthy and dont have any problems.

Is it necessary if your running a low dosage of roids.

Current stack;

250 test e week
10mg or 5mg of dbol a day havn't decided yet. its british isles.

btw its my first cycle. age 21.
Wheres a good cheap place to get it done for pre/during/post cycle.

Also is it necessary if your healthy and dont have any problems.

Is it necessary if your running a low dosage of roids.

Current stack;

250 test e week
10mg or 5mg of dbol a day havn't decided yet. its british isles.

btw its my first cycle. age 21.

Making multiple threads is frowned upon. Anyway here's my answer from your other thread.

Bc of your age all I'm going to say is its necessary regardless whether you're healthy or not and regardless of size of dosages. I'd advise to to wait to cycle but I know you won't listen so ill setltle for "I hope you've read up on the potential side effects of steroid use AND especially how it relates to age". And not just the physical either, there is a mental side to this many often underestimate or flat out ignore.
Doc is right. I had a whole long response typed up and my phone died! Not only are you very young to even consider doing this, you clearly are ill-prepared for it. Glad you're here looking for info, so we'd encourage you to go to the top of the forums and read all the stickies about the use of AAS and how to properly attempt it at the right age and time.
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Well I'm still going to take the roids. I got too. I hit my plateau. Anyways I done started lol, but thanks anyways. And I have literally did all the research and read all the information possible for like the past year.

Besides my brother ran a high dosage of trend E and H-drol when he was 16 for 3 months and he didn't die, and we got the same genes. lol Rofl

Besides I'm taking a low dosage of the roids. O and I decided bloodworks for pussy's...jk I really cant afford to get it done.
They've been cross breeding lately doc!

Well rakuper, good luck to you then. Not sure what you're even asking, if you can't afford to do this properly, nor seem to care what happens if shit goes downhill. But since you're determined to do this, at least read about proper dosage on the compounds you're using.

250mg a week of test is going to shut your nuts down for the duration and give you artificial levels only just higher than what you already produce. So then you've shut your HPTA down for practically very little improvement. Dbol at 5-10mg a day is a woman's dose. Your vagina will thank you later.

AND after all is said and done, you don't appear to have any sort of post cycle therapy planned. Which means your HPTA will take way longer to recover, if it even fully does. You'll feel like shit for weeks or more and you'll lose every bit of progress you made.

Enjoy buddy!
They've been cross breeding lately doc!

Well rakuper, good luck to you then. Not sure what you're even asking, if you can't afford to do this properly, nor seem to care what happens if shit goes downhill. But since you're determined to do this, at least read about proper dosage on the compounds you're using.

250mg a week of test is going to shut your nuts down for the duration and give you artificial levels only just higher than what you already produce. So then you've shut your HPTA down for practically very little improvement. Dbol at 5-10mg a day is a woman's dose. Your vagina will thank you later.

AND after all is said and done, you don't appear to have any sort of post cycle therapy planned. Which means your HPTA will take way longer to recover, if it even fully does. You'll feel like shit for weeks or more and you'll lose every bit of progress you made.

Enjoy buddy!

No Oc, he's read all the information possible for like the last year. I think it's us that are wrong here, go figure. Damn bloodwork, my brother ate pasta for dinner last night and he didn't die and we have the same genes so tonight it's pasta for me.
No Oc, he's read all the information possible for like the last year. I think it's us that are wrong here, go figure. Damn bloodwork, my brother ate pasta for dinner last night and he didn't die and we have the same genes so tonight it's pasta for me.

Lmao I think I just peed my pants a little
Ok Ok, I see we got a lot of haters here with a dry sense of humor. Man all I wanted was an answer to whether getting blood work is really really really essential. I know a few guys who cycled without even ever getting any done and came out with significant gains and no side effects.

Also instead of doggin on me like a bunch of computer badasse's, recommend my dosage and for each of my drugs. DON'T RESPOND UNLESS YOUR EXPERIENCED!


Dbol (ORAL)
Test E
Milk thistle

Also before you start putting in your 2 cents about me not knowing what the fuck i'm doing about pct, I didn't ask about my pct that IS why I didn't bring it up. I'm prepared with clomid and alot of novadex.
Normally I would want to help you and have a 55 paragraph essay on why juicing at your age is a bad idea, but I'm not feeling up to it. Please do what you want, but be sure to post up some pics of those lovely tits you're about to grow along with a sweet story about how you were about to bang Olsen twin lookalikes, but your pecker just didn't want to cooperate. I look forward to the laughs at your expense for being suck a cocky little shit that thinks he knows better than guys that DO know wtf they're talking about.

Genetic plateau at 21, hahaha. Thanks for giving me a laugh though - I needed it. ;)
Dam got another computer bad ass over here....And i aint cocky you dumb motherfucker, I'm asking for some help therefore I dont think I know much more about everybody here...DEEERRR!
Rakuper if you expect to be taken seriously, you should learn to take criticism better. We do want to answer questions and help guys out, but it's easier to do that when they seem to have a solid idea of what they're looking to do and demonstrate an understanding of the risks involved. AND on top of that, the consensus of this forum is that for many reasons it is important to wait until you've fully finished growing to start down this path. That age is generally accepted as around 25.

Like I said before, your doses are too low to really be worth the effort of doing a cycle. Since I'm doing this on my phone at work, it's easier to just give you an example of a well laid out and prepared plan for review:

And the next time you'd like to question my knowledge, ask me questions I can't answer.... I'll happily tell you I don't know, or I know where to look that up! I told a brother a long time ago he was always welcome to call me out if I was spouting off some BS.
You were told you were too young to do AAS. You decided to anyway. You were told blood work is important to any type of AAS cycle, you said you weren't going to do it. You seem to believe your fate will be exactly like your brothers's fate in terms of AAS. You were told otherwise and nothing. You got the best advice anyone alive could make you and you shitted on it. What makes you think anyone wants to give you further advice?. You seem quite willing to do what you want regardless of the advice. You also said you've been researching and studying about AAS for a year yet you're asking BEGINNER questions. Questions anyone who'd read for 20min on here would know the answer to. Far be it from me to call you a liar but your story is not all true and I REFUSE to give cycle advice to a 21 year old bc of MORAL issues. If you have a problem with that, see my brother, he's got the same genetics as me just a tad bit more patience.
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