Body Fat%?


New member
About 9 months ago i was 6'4" 265lbs at 32-35% body fat with little muscle. Decided to make a change. Got down to 215 and then needed a change from the cutting diet and all the cardio. Started bulking and am currently 230lbs.

Just hoping you guys could take a guess at my body fat% based on appearance and critique my physique as much as you'd like so I can have a better understanding of what i need to do.

My goal is lean muscular build. maybe 235lbs at 10% body fat with good symetry.

Thanks for the feedback
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just continue your working out.

you are just in the begining.

i would say around 22% BF.

the simetry is a good goal IMO. important to mind it.

So i would say just run-on and by constant.
Upperbody thickness and density. You have some good sized arms and clearly at 265lbs you have a ton of size on your frame. If could be a flexing issue, but I would work hard on developing some back thickness and ESPECIALLY width... Hit the Pull Ups, Pull Downs, and One Arm DB Rows to make the back grow.
I think he was 265, now is 230. Wonder what 215 looked like? Age and training background? My guess by looking would be 19%
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I'm 27 years old. Had some weight lifting in high school for sports but nothing i was 100% comitted too. I'd say most of my training experience has been over the last 9 months.

Dont have pics at 215lbs. But to get to 215 i was just trying to drop weight quick. took 4 months to go from 265 to 215. So I did not have much muscle on that frame.

Ran 10 weeks Test E @500mgs/week and now am 230 plus feel that i leaned out a bit more while on cycle...still a ways to go though.

Looking to cut the rest of the fat now before running anything else.
Also, I've been going by the Army Body Fat Calculator which says that im 15% which i thought may not be the most accurate. So i appreciate you guys letting me know what you think. And I appreciate you pointing out what I need to work on. Definately going to put extra attention on my back.

Any other thoughts or opinions are welcome.

Thanks again
You have a good base, lower your body fat and you will look even better. I know it's hard to fill out a 6'4" frame. Trim the beavers in your underarms. Good luck and post results.
Also, I've been going by the Army Body Fat Calculator which says that im 15% which i thought may not be the most accurate. So i appreciate you guys letting me know what you think. And I appreciate you pointing out what I need to work on. Definately going to put extra attention on my back.

Any other thoughts or opinions are welcome.

Thanks again

Ya, the military method is VERY subjective bro.. if its the same as it was a few years ago when I was it, they just measured your neck, waist, height and then referred to a chart.. or something like that. thats a just a very rough number and for some body types can be very wrong.
Now keep in mind for bigger guys like you, especially for ones who were bigger and lost alot of fat/weight, your skin losens and then appears much thicker when you get down in weight, possibly skewing any visual guess at body fat. Plus then it tends to hold alot of water, making it even hard to tell. I would say your anywhere from 18%-21% but thats just a guess. 15% is not right, as most at 15% you can start to see the abs wanting to poke through.
Personally, I'd just concentrate on cutting up.
Any advice as far as diet.

Meal 1 - oats w/ whey protein
Meal 2 - chicken,1/2cup broccoli,1tbs EVOO
Meal 3 - tuna, 2 slices wheat bread
Meal 4 - same as 2
Meal 5 - same as 2
Meal 6 - protein shake- 26g protein

And a 50g protein shake after workout

1 gallon of water throughout the day

2100 calories
65g fat
115g carbs
250g protein