Body Fat %?


beastin on twerps
I recently got a scale that tells body fat % but I found out that they are not reliable from sources on the forums. So the goal of this post is to find out what body fat % is so I can get a diet suitible for my goals.

30 yrs old
190 lbs

Have not been on a cycle in ten years. I plan on going on cycle in the middle of May of test cyp and mast. for 12 weeks with proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct).

I Have never really dieted before but started 3 days ago. I based my diet on 3j's sample diet, but it dawned on me that this may not be the right one for me due to differences in stats.

Should I be trying to cut up more for the cycle or bulk up?

Final goal is I want to be from 9-12% body fat and weighing from 200-205. Any thoughts.

If better pics are needed let me know lighting was bad
thanks. Yeah damn scale told me 22 %thought I was around 15 -18% myself. Time to talk to 3j and clean up my act!!!
I can't believe no one said anything about his massive tits. Letro + tamox = bitch tits b'gone.