Boldenone + Test E Cycle - Critique/Advice please :)

I think the cycle he has is going to work fantastic. I say this because he is committed in the kitchen so the rest is just details.

Keep the protein/weight high and keep the sugar/reps low. You will feel some appetite increase in about week 2.5-3 and your strength will start to go up with much more endurance in week 4.

Eq is a motherfucker for me to cut on because it makes me literally horny for food! If you remember to eat small meals and use red meat/chicken for your base you will be g2g.

Pm me if you need any advice.
If you read my posts I am not bulking I am trying to shred out lose a few % bf.

Yea man, sorry wsant trying to be a dick, just that your OP said that you were an ectomorph and your goal was to "gain a few more kgs (lean) that I can maintain and also lose hopefully a couple more % body fat."

If you know what works for you then rock and roll but IMHO i still think youre quite low on the carbs and the diet could use some work (just friendly advice). Its very important to keep your glycogen stores high for training. I noticed that I packed on really great quality muscle when I dramatically upped my carbs, just sharing personal experience. Think about it.
Yea man, sorry wsant trying to be a dick, just that your OP said that you were an ectomorph and your goal was to "gain a few more kgs (lean) that I can maintain and also lose hopefully a couple more % body fat."

If you know what works for you then rock and roll but IMHO i still think youre quite low on the carbs and the diet could use some work (just friendly advice). Its very important to keep your glycogen stores high for training. I noticed that I packed on really great quality muscle when I dramatically upped my carbs, just sharing personal experience. Think about it.

Yeah oh for sure, I was eating around 4500-5500 cals a day for 3 years to gain from 65kgs - 95kgs, basically doing a 1500+ calorie cheat meal once a day now 4th year and first time ever properly "cutting" (Eat quite clean for the most part of the time) on the diet I'm on now I've been dropping about .5kg a week and down to 85-86kg and originally thought nah don't take roids again there was that voice in the back of my head, but then I thought if I did a low dose of EQ it would give me more appetite so eat more, but cleaner, i figured it would give me at least somewhat of a boost in muscle building/fat losing power, and increase vascularity. I have definitely come to learn that cycles are definitely more of an art than just a "supplement" to take for an edge.

I really appreciate all the advice and I find all the ideas very interesting. I always am striving to improve so am always one to take on board anything practical that I can put into practice and try my best to consider all possibilities.
