boy-ninja pics December '05


New member
Here are some pictures of me taken early Dec. 2005
age: 23
height: 5'8"
weight: 170 lbs.
waist: 29 in.
biceps: 16 1/2 in.
Calves: 15 1/2

10-12 ?% bf. Guesstimate

4 years of weight training
8 years of martial arts training
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Looking good. Are you having progress? (size, strengh?) If not you probably have to check your diet.
BTW nice shoulders. Back needs more work. Any leg pics?
I wouldn't say overpowering but you just need to do more work on the legs and back but lookin good to me.
Im having progress. My strength has increased for my chest and shouders. I have been using the 5x5 routine for bench and I increse the weight 5lbs after every third workout. I have also been hitting legs twice a week. I know my back lacks a lot and I need pointers to get them wider.
My back excersise includes pull-ups 3x10, 130 lbs 3x10 front cable pull downs, 140 lbs wide grip cable rows, 185 lbs 3x10 dead lifts.
boy-ninja said:
My back excersise includes pull-ups 3x10, 130 lbs 3x10 front cable pull downs, 140 lbs wide grip cable rows, 185 lbs 3x10 dead lifts.

Try to get stronger on the deadlift. I would do 2 o 3 sets of warmup and then 3 of workout. Try going heavier and less reps on last sets (like 10, 6 and 4 reps).
Pullups are great for lats. Do them complete full range. Lock arms when going down. Go as hight as you can.
boy-ninja said:
Im having progress. My strength has increased for my chest and shouders. I have been using the 5x5 routine for bench and I increse the weight 5lbs after every third workout. I have also been hitting legs twice a week. I know my back lacks a lot and I need pointers to get them wider.
Stiff-leg deadlift
45° hyper
Reverse hyper
Do abs too and I'm sure it'll help the back somewhat.
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I was just wondering what is 45 degree hyper? Well, I do work out my abs, same day as legs though which is only twice a week. I also run 1.5 mile 3x a week and go to my Martial Arts class for cardio. How can I get my lower abs to show more?
Today I worked out back and bi's. For back I started with 3x10 wide grip pull ups (full range). Then wide grip pull downs 130 lbs 3x10, 110 lbs 3x12 close grip pull downs. 115 lbs 3x10 bent over rows; and 185 lbs 1x10, 205 lbs 2x8 and 225 2x6 on dead lift.
boy-ninja said:
Today I worked out back and bi's. For back I started with 3x10 wide grip pull ups (full range). Then wide grip pull downs 130 lbs 3x10, 110 lbs 3x12 close grip pull downs. 115 lbs 3x10 bent over rows; and 185 lbs 1x10, 205 lbs 2x8 and 225 2x6 on dead lift.

That's a lot of volume, why so many sets? (9 sets for lats is a lot)

You should start a workout journal so that we can follow your workouts.
Ninjaboy. I told you you could be big. Look at how much muscle cells youve got. Gettin plenty of advice for yer back, um,.. watch youre lower back come up as you keep doing abs. As for pullups do at least 50 total on those days (any variety - wide, over, under..) and practice your one arm bentover rows, they're exc! Good pics youve got a good phyzeek. jz
Thanks everyone. Im gonna try to do some one arm bent over rows. My diet has gone a lot better. I have raised my protien intake to 300 grams a day and more on days I work out. I always try to get over 50 grams of protien right after a work out.
Anyways thanks for the advice everyone. Im gonna try to make a work out journal.
I still want to get my body fat tested because I dont know where I sit.