BP meds while on cycle??


New member
Hey guys and girls.... Ok I am just 3 weeks into a 14 week Test C only cycle. 500mg/week. Pinning 2X per week. First cycle. Checked BP and it was 168/103!!! So saw the doc and she put me on some meds for it. She was not alarmed at all by the numbers. Question is do you think this will be ok? I Of course I did not tell her I am on gear. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks. By the way other than the BP I feel freaking great with great work out at the gym. Really feel like an animal. And blood test came back great no problems with anything else.
imo i dont think it will hurt,im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on a pretty high dose,and i take 2 blood pressure meds,wheni start a cycle i always keep mine in check though
Don't go for high dose it may hurt.
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