Brewing Tren A, with Test C ?


New member
Ok, I know the process for Tren A, and Test c. I heard you can brew them together :idea: Does it take much more to brew them together? How is this done? THANKS!!
I keep test low too. I think im a little ahead of myself on brewing so ill stick with my source for the most part. Defiantly good to go on tren that was pretty simple. After PCT What cycle would you say you have had the most gain? Your favorite cycle?
I keep test low too. I think im a little ahead of myself on brewing so ill stick with my source for the most part. Defiantly good to go on tren that was pretty simple. After PCT What cycle would you say you have had the most gain? Your favorite cycle?

Whats a pct? Perfect Compound Tren? Well i havent been cycling that long 3 years and have about a year and a half experience with tren. Thats all i really know and its my favorite especially with SD or mast....
Have you ever ran tren by itself without test or anything? I haven't because I hear its not good, but I swear the less test I use with tren the better I feel. what do you think? I usually go 250 test 350 tren a week. Only cycled 3 times but I have tried using less test and it just seems to be better.
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Have you ever ran tren by itself without test or anything? I haven't because I hear its not good, but I swear the less test I use with tren the better I feel. what do you think? I usually go 250 test 350 tren a week. Only cycled 3 times but I have tried using less test and it just seems to be better.

Yes i have for about 3 or 4 weeks i do t recall you get real dry ut then start feeling like crap and moody
So basically cutting out test completely would make it worse.. That's crazy because my first cycle was test only at 350mg a week, and the sides to me sucked compared to adding tren, and lowering test. People tell me tren has the worst sides, but all I get is a little temper, and a little insomnia. Feeling allot better on 250 with tren. Must jut be me.
So basically cutting out test completely would make it worse.. That's crazy because my first cycle was test only at 350mg a week, and the sides to me sucked compared to adding tren, and lowering test. People tell me tren has the worst sides, but all I get is a little temper, and a little insomnia. Feeling allot better on 250 with tren. Must jut be me.

I fear test sides not tren test can give you tits water bloat its all about balancing low test and let the wonderful tren do its thing
For Sure.. Ill take tren sides over test sides any day. Can I go lower then 250? with 350 tren? A year! lol no crash?
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I think i plateu a bit but i couldn't afford to blast i needed 100mg ed to keep gaining. No crash after a few months your body adapts and you feel normal. I didn't blast the whole year there were periods id do 50mg eod. Ive used test as low as 125mg ew i prefer 2-250 ew
Ok, I know the process for Tren A, and Test c. I heard you can brew them together :idea: Does it take much more to brew them together? How is this done? THANKS!!

Don't try to mix test c with anything bud. Test C is a pain in the ass to brew on its own.
You can mix almost anything in a brew and it's kinda convenient when you are stacking. If you are using any gear that involves painful injection sites, its always nice to get something more mellow mixed in the same pin. In the old days I used to start a cycle by front loading like 4 grams of gear in a day and walk around hurting in 4-6 different places at once. Fuck that shit. Pain is a nuisance.