Brown spots on skin while on Nolva???


New member
Hey guys, im currently on 20mg ed nolva. last night i noticed a spot on my stomach looked like a faint birthmark. now today ive noticed a more reddish brown mark on my elbow. Also i have brownish spots on my hand which look kind of similar to when you accidentally get hair dye on them and dont wash it off in time,
And yes I tried washing them off.
Wondering if anyone else ever experienced something like this.
Also im not trying to pin it on Nolva, thats just where I want to start.
ps. will try and get a picture uploaded when my wifi smartens up
Did you ever take Nolva before? And did you look the drug up and see if there was any reports of hyper or hypo pigmentation?

I found pinpoint red spots on skin . but this was very rare.
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This is my first time using Nolva. Did some research before using obviously, but nothing ever mentioned a side like this. Google search is inconclusive at best. some reports of reddish brown spots, but that was for a skin fungus that when searched looked nothing like what i am seeing.
Skin changes look to be relatively common (9-20% of people). I couldn't find much more information about what the most common "skin changes" are.