Bruising at my injection spots


New member
Hey bro's...

i've been on my test cycle now for 7 weeks, and i have my injections broken into twice a week... but as of lately (my last 2 injections) i've had some bad bruising at the injection site. I'm running the same gear with the same pins that iv'e been using the whole time... so i was just wondering what you guys think might spark this, or what i can do to stop the bruising from occuring...

i've injected into both glutes and both thighs with 25g needles and just now have a started to bruise...

thanks in advance
Are you doing the quick jab in like a dart or are you slowly pushing it in? I have seen the slow stabs cause bruising.
another question on this topic... just injected in my right quad, and my muscles went crazy... they were twitching and everything else, and it was kinda uncomfortable but it subsided and i pushed the oil... normal??
i'm assuming i hit a nerve or something, but i was wondering if you guys had an insight on what the deal is, i also did legs on monday(could that be it)
you just hit a nerve be careful, remeber the glute are the favourite inj spots as you have a bigger margine for error with nerves etc when u go into delts quads etc you gotta be more careful no drama though and no it would have nothing to do with u training legs.
Yeah, I have had my thighs do the twitch dance and have even had quite a few actually pull the dart to almost a 45 degree angle after being put in at 90. This can cause bruising because you are moving. When you inject with a 25g pin it takes longer to shoot. The longer you are shooting the higher the odds of you moving around and the more you move that dart around while you are shooting the more bruising you will have.
i haven't had much of a problem lately... everything is going pretty well now, just the normal soreness in the muscles, but I've experimented with 22g pins and i like them more with regard to how quickly you can push the oil though the pin, but are definitely have a bit more of a bite when piercing the skin