Bubbles appear in my syringe when aspirating

Some people would probably pay good money to feel like that lol

This ^^^ is true and in reality it isn't so funny. These kids think that if something makes them dizzy, or out of sorts then this is a high. IE: snorting kitchen chemicals :insane:

Getting back to OP's thread... as you see OP everyone is in agreement that you will not get hurt from a little air. GO for it.

Good Luck
Are you sure you're seeing air bubbles? It's very easy for gas bubbles to form in a syringe when the plunger is pulled back with sufficient force to create a vacuum. Do the bubbles stay when the plunger is released?
OMM you anti aspirating Nazi!! lolol!!

Ah hahahaa, yepper I can't stand this aspirating BS. I asked my daughter who is a head nurse on a floor at Shands U of F hospital what she was taught. She finished nursing school about 8 -1/2 years ago and at that time they did teach to aspirate.

She and her staff have not been aspirating with IM injections for many years now. She did say that what she knows now of it they do not teach the nurses to aspirate any more. But she did note that in the hospital they don't do much IM injections on the floors. By that time while hospitalized that most everyone has a pic line and is on IV.

Her professional opinion is it is not needed at all and when she has to IM she will not / does not aspirate .
As I said nough on this, but one more note to those who aspirate and see a little blood. All you have to do then is not to pull out but to only push the syringe or pull it back a little and THE YOU WILL BE OUT of the vein as I reinstate it is so hard to stay in... especially being perpendicular .

Ha I have to laugh when these guys pull it all the way out and change needles only to stab again. Want a good laugh there was a guy on a different forum one time telling of his experience where in he aspirated, got some blood and then thought, Oh my now should I through it out cause I will get infected if I inject what is in the syringe now. :insane:
Just wanted so share that
that i totally agree