Build Muscle with NO Protein

protein cycling makes sense. after a certain amount of time on a high protein diet your body stops assimilating it so well.

I know competitors who protein cycle, dunno how they do it exactly but the theory here is somewhat correct, tho the claims are clearly overstated, as is common on such articles
i've heard of eating low protein for a week or two and when you get back on it stores better, but not cutting it out completely. and as said above i don't think 1 day will do much
As said before 24hrs isn't enough time. Gunter did something similar a couple years ago with a diet cycle of 2wks bulk, 2 wks cut over and over. That way you take advantage of the initial bulking cycle but stop before a plateau. And the same when cutting. But according to the graphs I saw it takes about 2 wks to reach said plateau, after 24hrs any change would be to little to notice.
yeah but that 2 week diet wasn´t just protein cycling right? I seem to recall reading an article where you bulk for to weeks and then back for two weeks. abcde I think it was called.. I think i can dig up the article and results if anyones interested.
Fuckin' "he said, she said" banter...

Everybody's body is different. Try it yourself, see what happens.

This is only going to drag out longer...