BULKER RECIPE - The G Dizzle Bulk Fo Shizzle Shake ---- And it tastes


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BULKER RECIPE - The G Dizzle Bulk Fo Shizzle Shake

I have 2-3 of these daily in addition to regular meals and post/pre workout 100g maltodextrin + 50g whey powder

The G Dizzle Bulk Fo Shizzle Ulti-Barfer-Bulker-Supplemnt Shake ---- And it tastes good! ...well I think so...

1 Cup of Oats (Grind them up in a blender at high speed so they turn into powder.)
1 TBSP Flax OIL ( Omega 3's)
1 TBSP Extrra virgin Olive oil (personal preferance you can skip this one if you want to I am ecto all the way so I like more fat, besides fat is quite anabolic when used properly. And not to mention Olive Oil contains both Essential fatty 3's and 6's )
1 Cup Cottage Cheese
1/2 - 3/4 cup of pasturized Egg whites ( carefull not to use raw - I got salmonella once)
Nice handfull of frozen mixed fruit from Costco - 10.00 per bag and lasts a week
1/2 Liter of Cranberry juice.​

Sometimes I add a little bit of milk for fun, I guess that I just like the idea of sticking as much shit as possible in the blender.

I personally gaurantee wicked wieght gain with this one! And smelly protein farts :toilet:
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Hey looks good! Great idea to grind up the oats in the blender before making the shake. How many egg whites are 3/4 cup?