I am 30 yrs old, male. Height = six foot three inches, weight = 250 lbs, around 20% bf. I have done probably about 3 past steroid cycles in my life. I have been weightlifting for 15 years. I am currently on an off period last injection was in September (Post cycle therapy). I am giving my body a rest. I am still working out about 5 days a week (its tough off cycle to stay motivated but I like discomfort and pain), still taking protein, creitine, aminos etc. to bridge the gap. About two months ago I had gynomastia surgery (Not from steroids it was from puberty, I always wanted to get it done finically I was finally able to). Its healed great it looks great, it was worth every penny. I obviously chose to have it done during my off cycle period. I also have an appointment to have all blood work done during this off period to have everything checked out testosterone levels, cholesterol, thyroid, diabetes, liver, and kidney function, stds, hiv etc. I feel great I have had physicals blood pressure checked ect im as healthy as an ox. I just decided to get the blood work done just to be certain. Ok here’s the deal and some questions. Immediately after I get my blood work results back, I am ready to rock and roll. I have stock piled over the last few months a amazing cycle I’m super excited about. I am doing a solid classic bulking cycle and then I’m continuing straight into my summer cutting cycle. Please critique it and I’m open to all suggestions and criticism. Thanks in advance bros !!
Winter Bulking cycle = 12 weeks
Sust 350 = 800 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Deca 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Dbol 15 mgs a pill = 2 pills a day for 8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day 20mgs a pill for 12 weeks
Summer cutting cycle = 12 weeks, starting on week 13
Sust 350 = 800 mgs. / a week for 12 weeks
EQ 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Anavar tabs 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Tren Enth = 500 mgs./ a week for 1-8 weeks
Winny tabs = 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day, 20 mgs. A pill for 12 weeks
I have my workout routine down along with a good clean bulking diet for the first 12 weeks, and then I put together a nice clean cutting diet for the last 12 weeks. A few great ebooks I found to help me are The Bulking Primer By LeanMeOut & rambo @anabolicreview.com, Tom Venuto - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and Chemical Wizardry - Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilders. Great books Highly recommended.
1. Will the gyno come back during and or after these cycles? Im thinking about adding clomid, and amiridex to the mix along with the nolva I already have?
2. I want to pack on as much muscle as possible during the bulking 12 weeks, but I love doing cardio too. Can I pack on the muscle, but also with a clean diet, and cardio routine will I be able to keep the fat off too. I don’t want to look like a sloppy bulker.
3. I know your not supposed to ever cut with more than one oral but this is the gear I have and Im trying to get the best results? How do my dosages look?
4. If anyone has any good workout routines and diets let me know. I’m always open.
5. I will be posting before and after pics I’m pumped for these cycles. ***61514;
Winter Bulking cycle = 12 weeks
Sust 350 = 800 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Deca 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Dbol 15 mgs a pill = 2 pills a day for 8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day 20mgs a pill for 12 weeks
Summer cutting cycle = 12 weeks, starting on week 13
Sust 350 = 800 mgs. / a week for 12 weeks
EQ 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Anavar tabs 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Tren Enth = 500 mgs./ a week for 1-8 weeks
Winny tabs = 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day, 20 mgs. A pill for 12 weeks
I have my workout routine down along with a good clean bulking diet for the first 12 weeks, and then I put together a nice clean cutting diet for the last 12 weeks. A few great ebooks I found to help me are The Bulking Primer By LeanMeOut & rambo @anabolicreview.com, Tom Venuto - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and Chemical Wizardry - Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilders. Great books Highly recommended.
1. Will the gyno come back during and or after these cycles? Im thinking about adding clomid, and amiridex to the mix along with the nolva I already have?
2. I want to pack on as much muscle as possible during the bulking 12 weeks, but I love doing cardio too. Can I pack on the muscle, but also with a clean diet, and cardio routine will I be able to keep the fat off too. I don’t want to look like a sloppy bulker.
3. I know your not supposed to ever cut with more than one oral but this is the gear I have and Im trying to get the best results? How do my dosages look?
4. If anyone has any good workout routines and diets let me know. I’m always open.
5. I will be posting before and after pics I’m pumped for these cycles. ***61514;