"Bulking cycle then directly into summer cutting"


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I am 30 yrs old, male. Height = six foot three inches, weight = 250 lbs, around 20% bf. I have done probably about 3 past steroid cycles in my life. I have been weightlifting for 15 years. I am currently on an off period last injection was in September (Post cycle therapy). I am giving my body a rest. I am still working out about 5 days a week (its tough off cycle to stay motivated but I like discomfort and pain), still taking protein, creitine, aminos etc. to bridge the gap. About two months ago I had gynomastia surgery (Not from steroids it was from puberty, I always wanted to get it done finically I was finally able to). Its healed great it looks great, it was worth every penny. I obviously chose to have it done during my off cycle period. I also have an appointment to have all blood work done during this off period to have everything checked out testosterone levels, cholesterol, thyroid, diabetes, liver, and kidney function, stds, hiv etc. I feel great I have had physicals blood pressure checked ect im as healthy as an ox. I just decided to get the blood work done just to be certain. Ok here’s the deal and some questions. Immediately after I get my blood work results back, I am ready to rock and roll. I have stock piled over the last few months a amazing cycle I’m super excited about. I am doing a solid classic bulking cycle and then I’m continuing straight into my summer cutting cycle. Please critique it and I’m open to all suggestions and criticism. Thanks in advance bros !!
Winter Bulking cycle = 12 weeks
Sust 350 = 800 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Deca 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Dbol 15 mgs a pill = 2 pills a day for 8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day 20mgs a pill for 12 weeks
Summer cutting cycle = 12 weeks, starting on week 13
Sust 350 = 800 mgs. / a week for 12 weeks
EQ 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Anavar tabs 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Tren Enth = 500 mgs./ a week for 1-8 weeks
Winny tabs = 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day, 20 mgs. A pill for 12 weeks

I have my workout routine down along with a good clean bulking diet for the first 12 weeks, and then I put together a nice clean cutting diet for the last 12 weeks. A few great ebooks I found to help me are The Bulking Primer By LeanMeOut & rambo @anabolicreview.com, Tom Venuto - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and Chemical Wizardry - Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilders. Great books Highly recommended.
1. Will the gyno come back during and or after these cycles? Im thinking about adding clomid, and amiridex to the mix along with the nolva I already have?
2. I want to pack on as much muscle as possible during the bulking 12 weeks, but I love doing cardio too. Can I pack on the muscle, but also with a clean diet, and cardio routine will I be able to keep the fat off too. I don’t want to look like a sloppy bulker.
3. I know your not supposed to ever cut with more than one oral but this is the gear I have and Im trying to get the best results? How do my dosages look?
4. If anyone has any good workout routines and diets let me know. I’m always open.
5. I will be posting before and after pics I’m pumped for these cycles. ***61514;
bloodwork,gyno surgery,bulk, and cutting help!!!!!

I am 30 yrs old, male. Height = six foot three inches, weight = 250 lbs, around 20% bf. I have done probably about 3 past steroid cycles in my life. I have been weightlifting for 15 years. I am currently on an off period last injection was in September (Post cycle therapy). I am giving my body a rest. I am still working out about 5 days a week (its tough off cycle to stay motivated but I like discomfort and pain), still taking protein, creitine, aminos etc. to bridge the gap. About two months ago I had gynomastia surgery (Not from steroids it was from puberty, I always wanted to get it done finically I was finally able to). Its healed great it looks great, it was worth every penny. I obviously chose to have it done during my off cycle period. I also have an appointment to have all blood work done during this off period to have everything checked out testosterone levels, cholesterol, thyroid, diabetes, liver, and kidney function, stds, hiv etc. I feel great I have had physicals blood pressure checked ect im as healthy as an ox. I just decided to get the blood work done just to be certain. Ok here’s the deal and some questions. Immediately after I get my blood work results back, I am ready to rock and roll. I have stock piled over the last few months a amazing cycle I’m super excited about. I am doing a solid classic bulking cycle and then I’m continuing straight into my summer cutting cycle. Please critique it and I’m open to all suggestions and criticism. Thanks in advance bros !!
Winter Bulking cycle = 12 weeks
Sust 350 = 800 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Deca 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Dbol 15 mgs a pill = 2 pills a day for 8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day 20mgs a pill for 12 weeks
Summer cutting cycle = 12 weeks, starting on week 13
Sust 350 = 800 mgs. / a week for 12 weeks
EQ 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 12 weeks
Anavar tabs 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Tren Enth = 500 mgs./ a week for 1-8 weeks
Winny tabs = 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day, 20 mgs. A pill for 12 weeks

I have my workout routine down along with a good clean bulking diet for the first 12 weeks, and then I put together a nice clean cutting diet for the last 12 weeks. A few great ebooks I found to help me are The Bulking Primer By LeanMeOut & rambo @anabolicreview.com, Tom Venuto - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and Chemical Wizardry - Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilders. Great books Highly recommended.
1. Will the gyno come back during and or after these cycles? Im thinking about adding clomid, and amiridex to the mix along with the nolva I already have?
2. I want to pack on as much muscle as possible during the bulking 12 weeks, but I love doing cardio too. Can I pack on the muscle, but also with a clean diet, and cardio routine will I be able to keep the fat off too. I don’t want to look like a sloppy bulker.
3. I know your not supposed to ever cut with more than one oral but this is the gear I have and Im trying to get the best results? How do my dosages look?
4. If anyone has any good workout routines and diets let me know. I’m always open.
5. I will be posting before and after pics I’m pumped for these cycles. ***61514;
this is a bit of overkill if you ask me bud.. trying to do too much too quickly.. i would not recommend a 24 week cycle (which is what this is).. your receptors will be shot and you run the risk of shutting yourself down completely.. why not take three months off in between or just do a 16week bulk and then just cut with some clen and good cardio???

all together i just don't like this plan..

as for the gyno.. if you run nolvadex the whole cycle you will be fine.. personally i like to run .5mg of Arimidex EOD to combat estrogen related side effects..

i like these cycles on their own.. but not back to back.. take at least 2-3 months off in between with proper PCT after each.. your receptors start dropping after 8 weeks.. just give yourself some time.. bulk up... do some natural cutting and then put the cutting into 5th gear with the tren/test/eq combo after you got it down for a while

Rome wasn't built in a day.
also.. forgot to say.. use the Winstrol (winny) and anavar at the end of the cutting cycle, not the beginning.. or maybe anavar at beginning and Winstrol (winny) at the end.. to tighten you up after you melted the fat away
Lots of info here so I'll just respond to what I picked out. I believe after gyno surgery you no longer get gyno but maybe someone else will clarify that. You don't need nolva and clomid on cycle just an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which looks like you have adex. You would run that the length of the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). Save your serms for post cycle therapy (pct).

You also have a lot going on. I would skip the Winstrol (winny) since you already have tren. That will do all the same only better. I prefer dbol at a higher dose for shorter time.

That seems like a lot of AAS. I bet test/tren would be plenty on the second half. I'm not a big oral user so I won't comment on that.

Did you get blood work before your last cycle to get a base? If your blood work shows you are recovered technically you can start back up again. I like a little more time off even though it sucks at times actually not to bad.
thx Machine5150

yeah i thought about that at first that it would be ran for too long but I read several other post on alot of other forums that guys love the back to back bulk then cutting? Great opinions and feedback thou thanks. I want to do whats the safest for me and my body. I wonder if I drop the dosages if that would keep my receptors in check? Now that I think of it maybe I will do a long bulk cycle instead? and then take a few months off like you said? My last cycle had amazing results. I did a test 450 (a blend like sust), (first ever test cycle), only cycle, about 750 to 800 mgs a week for 12 week and I kept most of my gains, afterwards but damn those shots did hurt. I didn't have any aromitization on any of my cycles, I had gyno from puberty and when I began working out and putting on muscle it became less noticeable but it was still there it wasn't that bad though my girl friend thought I was crazy to get the surgery and pay the money but now she loves the results. Yeah I'm on a clean crash diet now its called the 4 hour body, i'm down to like 240 lbs now, its great its like the atkins but you have on cheat day a week and your carbs are lentils, and beans. April 1st or the last week in march is when I'm starting this cycle posted here. I think I will cut back the Sustanon (sust) dosages and eq is great but I only have so much of it. as for post cycle therapy (pct) I have tons of nolva, and some clomid but I trying to buy some adex somewhere online somewhere. But yeah i may move the deca, eq, and tren around abit through out the cycles. Does anyone have any great clean bulking diets? or any hardcore good workout routines while bulking? I know I have to get my calorie intake up. It blows my mind how some guys can consume like 5000 to 8000 cals a day. It amazes me. thx again. I will be posting before and after pics. Ive been building and storing these cycles for awhile now I'm so pumped to get it rolling. But my diet, cardio, weights has got to be spot on, and it will.

I'm trying not to hurt my head while i think too hard lol but hmmm maybe instead I could just do the cutting cycle first instead to prepare for the summer? What do you think? then take a few months off? and start my bulk? because I kept alot of my gains from my last cycle? decisions decisions wtf :wallbash::D
thx Machine5150 and UserAt204

Machine5150 i responded to the post you put on my other thread thanks again. UserAt204 yeah I know its alot going on I just wanted to throw it all out there. Whats your opinion is back to back cycles terrible? I have some friends that did them and ive read that alot of guys love them mabey I should lower the dosages and save the Winstrol (winny) for next time? And yes I did get bloodwork done a few months ago just before my gyno surgery it came back great. but testosterone levels and thyroid, and diabetes were not checked yet.
new revised cycle

Ok thanks to everyone’s help I think I figured out what I’m going to do now and starting April 1st my blood work will be back any day now too. Two weeks ago I started my lean cutting diet, it’s called the 4 hour body, no carbs, high protein, and beans and lentils are the only carbs, I cut out alcohol totally. You’re allowed one cheat day a week to spike your t3 and insulin levels. I have been doing the elliptical machine 30mins, high tension. 30mins, running on the treadmill, and 10min stationary bike to cool down, in the morning everyday for 5 days a week. Then an hour of weight training , 5 days a week. I bought, stacker 2, bcaas, b12, creitine, whey protein, multi vitamin, vitamin c, amino acids, etc. I have been searching for dnp to throw into the mix but everywhere seems to be out of stock? I’m trying to get my bodyfat % lower before I start my summer cutting cycle. Listed below is what I came up with.
April 1st to June 1st
EQ 300 = 500 mgs./ a week for 8-12 weeks? Cause eq won’t kick in until around week 8. And eq can be done longer.
Winny tabs = 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day, 20 mgs. A pill for 8-12 weeks
June 1st to Sept 1st
Sust 350 = 500 mgs. / a week for 12 weeks or ? (300 mgs./ a week for 1-12 weeks?)
Tren Enth = 500 mgs./ a week for 1-8 weeks or ? ( 300 mgs./a week for 1-12 weeks?)
Anavar tabs 40 mgs a day for 1-8 weeks
Nolvadex 1 pill a day, 20 mgs. A pill for 8-12 weeks

I lowered the dosages and cut out the d-bol, deca, and extra Sustanon (sust) so ill have it left to add to my next winter bulk. I think this looks a lot better than that last cycle I posted. Please post any comments. Tell me what you think? I’m so excited april 1st is almost here :Party:
well im 2 weeks in tomorrow will be my second eq pin. i'm def feeling this winnys too. obviously its too early to see gains or tightening up but both are def real gear, I feel it.
Ive been doing jay cutlers diet and workout. I tweaked his diet alittle bit to cut out some carbs for my personal goals and circumstances. I love his workout routine from 2008. I have been doing 2 a days at the gym focused around my work schedule. weights during the day and cardio and abs at night, about 2, 1 hour and 1/2 daily sessions. off days wed and sunday. but I'm doing 60 cardio ed. with abs.

Jay Cutler Diet Routine ( I cut out all the rice, and bagel)

Breakfast and Lunch (approx)
Jay Cutler Breakfast and Lunch Routine

* Meal 1: 15 g whites, 3 whole eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 bagel, 1 glass orange juice, water and multivitamin
* Meal 2: 8 oz. steak and 1.5 cups white rice
* Meal 3: 8 oz. chicken and 1 cup brown rice

Post-Workout Meal
Jay Cutler Dinner

* 1 serving Glutamine and 1 serving of Vitamin B
* Meal 4: 10 oz. chicken and 3 cups white rice with onions and garlic
* Meal 5: 8 oz. chicken and 1 cup brown rice
* Meal 6: Protein Shake
* Meal 7: 14 egg whites and 1 cup oatmeal

Before Bed
Jay Cutler Supplements

* 1 serving of each of the following: Glutamine, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C

Jay Cutler's Workout Routine

Monday (Abs, Traps, Triceps, Delts)
Jay Cutler's Delts Workout

* Delts Dumbbell Side Laterals 3 sets of 12 reps
* Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 8-12 reps
* Side Lateral Cable 3 sets of 8-12 reps
* Front Raise with Olympic Bar 2 sets of 10 reps
* Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals 3 sets of 10 reps

Jay Cutler's Triceps Workout

* Triceps Cable Extensions 4 sets of 15 reps
* Single Arm Extensions 3 sets of 15 reps
* Close-Grip Bench Press 3 sets of 8 reps
* Superset: French Press 3 sets of 8 reps
* Dumbbell Kickbacks 3 sets of 12 reps
* Dips 3 sets of 15 reps

Jay Cutler's Traps Workout

* Traps Shrugs 4 sets of 12 reps

Jay Cutler's Abs Workout

* Abs Crunches 3 sets of 20 reps
* Rope Crunch 3 sets of 20 reps
* Hanging Leg Raise 3 sets of 12 reps
* Leg Lifts 3 sets of 10 reps

Tuesday (Back)
Jay Cutler Back Workout Routine

* Back Wide-Grip Pull-downs 3 sets of 10 reps
* Dumbbell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
* Bent Over Barbell Rows 4 sets of 10 reps
* Dead-lifts 3 sets ofof12 reps
* Close-Grip T-bar Row 3 sets of 10 reps
* Behind-the-Neck Pull-downs 3 sets of 10 reps
* Seated Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
* Hypereoftensions 3 sets of 10 reps

Wednesday (off)

Thursday (Chest, Biceps, Abs)
Jay Cutler Chest Workout Routine

* Chest Incline Barbell Press 5 sets of 10-12 reps
* Flat Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps
* Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets of 10 reps
* Cable Crossovers 3 sets of 12 reps
* Decline Bench Press 3 sets of 8 reps

Jay Cutler Biceps Workout Routine

* Biceps Straight Bar Curl 5 sets of 15 reps
* Single Arm Dumbbell Curl 3 sets of 12 reps
* Single Arm Preacher Curl 3 sets of 10 reps
* Hammer Curl 2 sets of 12-15 reps
* Forearms Reverse Curls 6 sets of 15 reps

Jay Cutler Abs Workout Routine

* Abs Crunches 3 sets of 20 reps
* Rope Crunch 3 sets of 20 reps
* Hanging Leg Raise 3 sets of 12 reps
* Leg Lifts 3 sets of 10 reps

Friday (Quads)
Jay Cutler Quads Workout Routine

* Leg Eoftensions 3 sets of 20 reps
* Leg Press 4 sets of 12 reps
* Squats 4 sets of 6-10 reps
* Lunges 3 sets of 8 steps per leg
* Leg Eoftensions (heavy) 4 sets of 10 reps

Saturday (Hamstrings, Calves, Abs)
Jay Cutler Hamstrings Workout Routine

* Hamstrings Lying Leg Curl 6 sets of 12 reps
* Romanian Deadlift 3 sets of 10 reps
* Single Leg Hamstring Curl 3 sets of 12 reps
* Leg Press 3 sets of 12 reps

Jay Cutler Calves Workout Routine

* Calves Standing Calf Raise 4 sets of 10 reps
* Donkey Calf Raise 2 sets of 10 reps
* Seated Calf Raise 3 sets of 10 reps

Jay Cutler Ab Workout Routine

* Abs Crunches 3 sets of 20 reps
* Rope Crunch 3 sets of 20 reps
* Hanging Leg Raise 3 sets of 12 reps
* Leg Lifts 3 sets of 10 reps

Sunday (off)

Tell me what you guys think? By the way sore and tired isnt even close to describe keeping up with this routine, and then the cardio ed. Wheres the fun? lol jk owell no pain no gain. The cardio gets annoying after a few weeks but i just buckle down and get it done
thanks for the information......nice post:)

What does that diet consume daily of protein, calories, carbs? Can you brake it down per meal etc? Thanks
Thats actually a great question bigeko honestly I haven't broken it down yet nor do I really care too, I'm not trying to be a smartass. I'm just saying. I don't do the diet exactly. I just focus more on the basics of it. I do the 7 meals, vitamins, all the egg whites, chicken and steak. (obviously the gear, eq, and Winstrol (winny) tabs until may 1st then I do whats listed above). My protein drinks are 3 a day now. 3 scoops a drink 25g a scoop. 75 g of protein a drink times 3 drinks. (ill be doing this with 4 protein drinks a day in a month) The moral of the story is its a high protein, low carb, medium fat diet. So i melt the fat, and pack on lean muscle mass. obviously I'm not jay cutler, nor do i want to be. but, i decided hey, why not at least try to mimic one of the best if i can and i love it so far. I'm a man on a mission. I'm six three, hes five nine, i have good body building genetics. who knows if i can master, my diet, training, gear, and supplements, and sleep. who knows what I will look like in 5 to 10 years? Rome was not built in a day. Any way today is my off day but I'm on my way to the gym soon for cardio, and abs :bigok: :chomp:
If you can you should run the EQ longer .....for some reason the longer your on EQ the better it works. If you are disciplined with your diet EQ can be good for cutting, however for me I get so fuckin hungry running EQ their is no way I could cut with it but that might only be me. For a bulker it is an amazing stack with Deca and Cyp....Cyp+Deca+EQ+d-bols = serious muscle mass in my experience. Instead of doing both a bulk and a cut why don't you try a lean mass cycle with some Tren?