bulking diet vs harris-bendedict BMR


New member
ive been researching diet, and bulking. I just got done with a halodrol cycle and im trying to keep my gains(+13 lbs).

Ive been looking up BMI,BMR, and harris benedict formula for gaining weight. but its nothing like the diet I see on here, or that I used

harris benedecit says to gain wieght I need..
3500 cal
about 500 g of carbs
about 130 g of protien

but the usal bulking diet i see seems to have half those carbs, and twice the protien!!?? Ive always known to be a rule of thumb to eat 1.5 gram of protein for every pound i wiegh when i want to bulk?

any insight on this please?

I mention before, ran a cycle. Im running post cycle therapy (pct) currectly, 2nd week. Im slightly tired of gourging my self? can i drop the protein a little? compared to the way i ate to bulk up....to MAINTAIN these gains..do I still need the same amount? should the harris benedict formualy apply for maintaing weight?

the more and more i read about diet(been so for years) i still feel like i know nothing sometimes.

and i dont understand how i should proportion carbs vs protien intake...
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ive been researching diet, and bulking. I just got done with a halodrol cycle and im trying to keep my gains(+13 lbs).

Ive been looking up BMI,BMR, and harris benedict formula for gaining weight. but its nothing like the diet I see on here, or that I used

harris benedecit says to gain wieght I need..
3500 cal
about 500 g of carbs
about 130 g of protien

but the usal bulking diet i see seems to have half those carbs, and twice the protien!!?? Ive always known to be a rule of thumb to eat 1.5 gram of protein for every pound i wiegh when i want to bulk?

any insight on this please?

I mention before, ran a cycle. Im running post cycle therapy (pct) currectly, 2nd week. Im slightly tired of gourging my self? can i drop the protein a little? compared to the way i ate to bulk up....to MAINTAIN these gains..do I still need the same amount? should the harris benedict formualy apply for maintaing weight?

the more and more i read about diet(been so for years) i still feel like i know nothing sometimes.

and i dont understand how i should proportion carbs vs protien intake...

the HB formula does not take into consideration bf... thats its drawback..

now looking at ur proposed macros i dont understand why u, especially in post cycle, drop your protein intake..

a bber USUALLY keeps his protein intake the same at all times.. but if ur in post cycle therapy (pct) and ur body is recovering from a cycle.. ur actually recommended to over eat, just a little bit..

in post cycle.. ur protein should be up.. ur carbs should be in a good range.. and ur saturated fats should also go up (sat fat is a precursor to natty test).. so add lean beef x 3 meals a day..

theres a science in all this

what were ur macros when u were bulking??
when I am bulking... i eat around 3500 cals.
about 250 g of protein, about 350 carbs.

i use a Lot of olive oils when cooking and drink Lots of milk

i dont really eat beef.. and Never eat ground beef(ever seen FOOD INC?!?!). just mostly chicken and turkey bacon, and some vegetrian hamburgers

my diet now is little diff...3400 cals im taking about 200g of protien and 400 carbs.
ill up the protien back to 250..at least for the during of my PCT?

any other insight?
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