Bulking right to cutting or break in between?


New member
Just wondering how many of you go right from bulking into cutting or take a break in between. Also if you have what were your results like. Thanks for your time
I ran a bulking cycle last year where I immediately went into cutting and it went great. Without gear that would likely be catabolic but it works fine with gear
I never go right into cutting from bulking you are sacrificeing to many hard earned pounds. I keep my cals up until I finish with my anti-es then go into a couple weeks of maintainace before I start cutting. I want to make sure my natural test is back up before cutting.
I say take a break! Use Slin as an 8 week bridge. You will maintian size and be able to restore your HPTA and then hit the cutting cycle hard!
saturn said:
I never go right into cutting from bulking you are sacrificeing to many hard earned pounds. I keep my cals up until I finish with my anti-es then go into a couple weeks of maintainace before I start cutting. I want to make sure my natural test is back up before cutting.

I am with Saturn on this one....I did a bulk/cutter in the same cycle and didn't liek the results. I think I will stick to bulking cycles. But everyones body is different.
I can't make steady gains for all that long anyway so I do 12 week cycles and do both. I like the change of pace too.
as long as you dont get too extreme with the bulking and cutting id say your fine. i mean dont try to go all out bulking for ten weeks eating everything in site then just switch to a strict low cal diet for the next 10. maybe keep a good clean bulk diet the first 10 then slightly lower the cals and switch drugs. say your doing a 20 wk bulk/cut cycle something like this:

1-14 test enth
1-10 deca
1-5 dbal
8-18 eq
12-20 fina
14-20 winny
15-20 prop
You will find that a lot of serious bb'ers that enter competitions do in fact go straight from bulkers to cutters.

Obviously though, not everyone here is a serious competitor so in that case just listen to your body.
I myself feel like I make better gains when I take time off and let my body readjust. Then I go and hit it hard, whether it be bulking or cutting.
bronco944 said:
as long as you dont get too extreme with the bulking and cutting id say your fine. i mean dont try to go all out bulking for ten weeks eating everything in site then just switch to a strict low cal diet for the next 10. maybe keep a good clean bulk diet the first 10 then slightly lower the cals and switch drugs. say your doing a 20 wk bulk/cut cycle something like this:

1-14 test enth
1-10 deca
1-5 dbal
8-18 eq
12-20 fina
14-20 winny
15-20 prop

Damn that looks yummy