Bulking up for winter! It's cold up here


New member
Hey guys finally got around to get everything I needed for my first cycle.

First things first here are my stats:

23 y/o
6.1 feet
195 pound
13-15% bf

Here's my plan for first cycle(I love charts)

In short it's
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg/ED
Week 1-12 Test E 600mg/Weekly
Week (14)15-18 Toremifene/Aromasin

HCG throughout cycle at 500ui weekly(if I feel the need)
All AI/SERM dosage will get tweaked during cycle
Have liver support for DBol weeks

Letro and Nolva on hand.

Might start PCT at week 14 due to test levels getting low(based on theory but it depends how my body handle it, 1 more week wont hurt)

Scheduled that many bloodwork to understand how my body reacts for future cycles.

Now here's my workout plan(Some more charts)

Been doing great on it, open to suggestion.
Might tweak it during cycle.

This is a 7 days plan. So I get 3 rest days.

Now for my diet I sent a email to 3J yesterday and within 1 minutes(no jokes) he replied and we discussed so I'll be set when I start the cycle.

I'm a really big procrastinator when I'm not careful so I took an habit of planning everything daily this way I do it when I'm suppose to do it.

I got an appointment at the end of may for my baseline blood work so I'll be able to start in 1 month.

Here is the first picture(I'll add legs later)
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this is the most organized presentation of information for help i have ever seen.. i can already tell im going to enjoy working with you lol
Looks very well thought out brotha, make sure you stick to 3J's diet. Results will be much more profound if you do.

GL :)
Glad that you guys likes it. I'm very primed for this cycle and everything will be followed to a Tee.

My goal is obviously to keep the maximum amount of lean mass that I can get after PCT. My weakest point are my legs so I hope I'll see good results down there.
Starting Dbol Monday and pinning Wednesday.

3J first week diet was a tough one but I got through. I was clearly not eating enough if that's how much we have to eat!

Added current upper picture(along with a before pic)

I'll add legs pic later.
First pin today. Went really smooth. It took 2 min and it was over. I had my brother with me to keep me relaxed.
Second pin today. Today was the 2cc shot. 20 min after and I think I will get some kind of PIP, not sure what to expect. Will keep this log updated.

Been hitting the gym pretty hard lately and I can't wait for mid cycle feeling!
Very thorough. I'll definitely be following.
Did you use microsoft excel for the chart?
I'd like to the the same to set-up my own cycle.
Very thorough. I'll definitely be following.
Did you use microsoft excel for the chart?
I'd like to the the same to set-up my own cycle.

Yea I used excel. Luckily the first design I though of turned out pretty well(for my cycle) so it didn't take that long.

Jesus... I'm embarrassed with my pre-cycle planning..lol.

Do you have OCD?

lol I wanted to make sure it would be easy to follow this way I coulnt mess up. :spin:

I added my diet into it and I color the cells whenever I'm done with it.

I though I would wake up with some PIP but it's almost nothing. I worry much about PIP because I need my legs at work.

Felt a bit lethargic(slept for 10 hours and I could have stood in the bed this morning) but nothing unbearable.

Been looking at my BP everyday and it has increased but still optimal. I didn't really look into how I could reduce my BP if it ever become a problem in the future but hopefully I don't get this problem!

EDIT: How do I know who's giving me the reps?
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Time for some update...I pinned in my glutes 2 days ago and I woke up today feeling like someone beat me up while I was sleeping.

I'm taking adex .25ed for as long as I'm taking the dboll. My BP skyrocketed(133/76) but it's still within normal range. I'm having it checked daily just to make sure. Considering taking some magnesium and other supplement to keep it as low as possible.

Maybe it's all in my head but I did my first leg training(on cycle) at the gym and I felt like a beast...too bad I forgot about summer schedule and it closed before I could finish! Could the leg day explain why my glutes hurt so much now? I like quads much better(no pain at all).

Also when I woke up it felt like my quads were still pumped from the training, is it possible? It's gone now(11AM). Also some minor back pump but nothing really big. The biggest side I get from dboll is lethargy and it's making me eat more(maybe that's the test)

Nuts still the same size, planning on starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next week but if they dont shrink that much I may start it later.
Had gyno flare ups so I upped adex to .5 ED(I have a small hard lump that I can move a bit under my right nipple)

Nuts had SHRINKED but I started HCG and it went up in size considerably(not full but almost)

Delts pump during workout are painfull. Lethargy is still a big problem from the dboll.

My BP is ranging between 117/71 and 133/76 depends on when I took the dbol.

I made the mistake of sleeping somewhere else and I coulnd get my hand on proper food. I ate garbage for a day and was SWOLLEN(water) when I woke up. No more garbage day for me.

2cc in quads is painless unless I squat deep. I tryed to pin delt and I nicked something on the way in and it didnt feel good so I just switched pin and pinned in my glutes instead.

My gym session are spot on and im so focused it sometimes scares me(as if im looking into nothingness). Went from 200lbs to 210 but there's alot of water. The strength gain is AMAZING.
How far in your cycle did you start to notice gyno flare up's?
I'm going to be starting a similar cycle within the next couple weeks to a month and our stats are also similar. (23yo/6'1"/185lbs)
I'll let you know when I throw up a thread if you want to follow.

Just made a chart a couple days ago like yours to help me keep track of everything.

How far in your cycle did you start to notice gyno flare up's?
I'm going to be starting a similar cycle within the next couple weeks to a month and our stats are also similar. (23yo/6'1"/185lbs)
I'll let you know when I throw up a thread if you want to follow.

Just made a chart a couple days ago like yours to help me keep track of everything.


You shouldn't be starting your nolva until 2 weeks after your last test e injection
Right. It's a rough layout I'm gonna tweak everything well before I begin. I'll start my own thread soon.
Thanks for the input. This looks better to me now.

Hey sorry Tod for throwing my chart in your thread. I think you've got a really good grasp on everything, just using it as a reference to start my 1st cycle.

I want to know why you up'd your HGC for the last few weeks of your cycle and why on week 13 you HGC blast tues/thurs/sun? Is that something I should consider to start off my PCT?

Weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg/ED
Weeks 1-10 test enanthate 500mg/wk
Weeks 2-11 HCG 500iu/wk
Weeks 11-16 Aromasin 15/15/15/15/10/10 ED
Weeks 13-16 Nolvadex 50/50/25/25 ED
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Right. It's a rough layout I'm gonna tweak everything well before I begin. I'll start my own thread soon.
Thanks for the input. This looks better to me now.

Hey sorry Tod for throwing my chart in your thread. I think you've got a really good grasp on everything, just using it as a reference to start my 1st cycle.

I want to know why you up'd your HGC for the last few weeks of your cycle and why on week 13 you HGC blast tues/thurs/sun? Is that something I should consider to start off my PCT?

Weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg/ED
Weeks 1-10 test enanthate 500mg/wk
Weeks 2-11 HCG 500iu/wk
Weeks 11-16 Aromasin 15/15/15/15/10/10 ED
Weeks 13-16 Nolvadex 50/50/25/25 ED

In my opinion its not good to run hcg for that long. My suggestion is to run it for 4-6 weeks having your last injection 1-3 days before you start pct. I would run 300ui every 3-4 days
I started HCG when I felt my nut had shrunk considerably. I'm thinking the gyno flare up is due to Dbol so I will lower the adex when I stop Dbol.

As for the week 13, I just wanted to pin 4 times in 2 week but had to give myself a few days after HCG before starting PCT.
Went to pin right quad today. DAMN it was hard as a rock(I have a big bruise on it from work, could this be why?). It was so painful trying to get the pin in I gave up after 4 times and went with the glutes instead.

Still at 210 but the strength keep increasing.

Random boners sometimes gets in the way at works.

I hope my quads wont be as hard next time I have to pin.
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