Hi guys, I'm newly registered but this is one of the forums I consulted before and during my previous test e cycle.
weight before cycle: 175
age: 24
had blood work done before cycle and everything was good
did 12 wks of test e @ 500 mg
The cycle was great and I did it because I am in the military (relevant for drug testing) and wanted to improve my fitness for a course that I had tried out for the last two years. Unfortunately I purchased my pct from a work buddy who got it online from a website that closed shop and I figured that since the test worked great the pct would too. It did not and now I am having some issues I would like to ask advice for.
It's been almost 2 months since my last injection and I have the following problems:
- headaches
- chest and back muscles are tense and hurt it's weird, especially the rib muscles
- even minor physical activity (like a short slow jog or 50 pushups + 50 situps) causes to almost black out
- always fatigued
- weird blood spots that cover my entire body
Needless to say I am extremely concerned. Throughout the cycle I had minor scares but I just looked up other people's experiences and followed their advice, which always turned out to be correct. I'm worried that I basically have the symptoms for kidney failure and need some clear minded advice about how to proceed. I am worried that if I go see a PA (for sick call I have to go through a PA instead of a doctor) I'm going to be drug tested for steroids and the general consensus about test e is that it may be testable for around 3 months if given a isotope blood test.
Is it reasonable to try and sit through this one? Does anyone know of similar experiences?
I am not worried about losing my strength gains because if I can regain my health I will enjoy working out again.
weight before cycle: 175
age: 24
had blood work done before cycle and everything was good
did 12 wks of test e @ 500 mg
The cycle was great and I did it because I am in the military (relevant for drug testing) and wanted to improve my fitness for a course that I had tried out for the last two years. Unfortunately I purchased my pct from a work buddy who got it online from a website that closed shop and I figured that since the test worked great the pct would too. It did not and now I am having some issues I would like to ask advice for.
It's been almost 2 months since my last injection and I have the following problems:
- headaches
- chest and back muscles are tense and hurt it's weird, especially the rib muscles
- even minor physical activity (like a short slow jog or 50 pushups + 50 situps) causes to almost black out
- always fatigued
- weird blood spots that cover my entire body
Needless to say I am extremely concerned. Throughout the cycle I had minor scares but I just looked up other people's experiences and followed their advice, which always turned out to be correct. I'm worried that I basically have the symptoms for kidney failure and need some clear minded advice about how to proceed. I am worried that if I go see a PA (for sick call I have to go through a PA instead of a doctor) I'm going to be drug tested for steroids and the general consensus about test e is that it may be testable for around 3 months if given a isotope blood test.
Is it reasonable to try and sit through this one? Does anyone know of similar experiences?
I am not worried about losing my strength gains because if I can regain my health I will enjoy working out again.