Bunk PCT has left me in a serious bind, advice requested


New member
Hi guys, I'm newly registered but this is one of the forums I consulted before and during my previous test e cycle.

weight before cycle: 175
age: 24
had blood work done before cycle and everything was good
did 12 wks of test e @ 500 mg

The cycle was great and I did it because I am in the military (relevant for drug testing) and wanted to improve my fitness for a course that I had tried out for the last two years. Unfortunately I purchased my pct from a work buddy who got it online from a website that closed shop and I figured that since the test worked great the pct would too. It did not and now I am having some issues I would like to ask advice for.

It's been almost 2 months since my last injection and I have the following problems:

- headaches
- chest and back muscles are tense and hurt it's weird, especially the rib muscles
- even minor physical activity (like a short slow jog or 50 pushups + 50 situps) causes to almost black out
- always fatigued
- weird blood spots that cover my entire body

Needless to say I am extremely concerned. Throughout the cycle I had minor scares but I just looked up other people's experiences and followed their advice, which always turned out to be correct. I'm worried that I basically have the symptoms for kidney failure and need some clear minded advice about how to proceed. I am worried that if I go see a PA (for sick call I have to go through a PA instead of a doctor) I'm going to be drug tested for steroids and the general consensus about test e is that it may be testable for around 3 months if given a isotope blood test.

Is it reasonable to try and sit through this one? Does anyone know of similar experiences?

I am not worried about losing my strength gains because if I can regain my health I will enjoy working out again.
Have you had any blood work done recently?

More or less sounds like low test, aside from the 'blood spots.' Can you elaborate on that at all?

Are you taking any other medications/supplements etc.?
Damn dude. That sounds pretty serious. I think I'd risk it and go see a doctor. I've never heard of those symptoms related to AAS use.

Unless you are huge and an obvious steroid user I can't imagine why they would do an expensive test like that...but I'm no expert on that stuff. The blood spots stuff scares me though. Best of luck with it.
Welcome to ology!. can you show us a pic of the blood spots you mention?

Signs and symptoms of kidney disease may include:

Loss of appetite
Fatigue and weakness
Sleep problems
Changes in urine output
Decreased mental sharpness
Muscle twitches and cramps
Swelling of feet and ankles
Persistent itching
Chest pain, if fluid builds up around the lining of the heart
Shortness of breath, if fluid builds up in the lungs
High blood pressure (hypertension) that's difficult to control
Damn dude. That sounds pretty serious. I think I'd risk it and go see a doctor. I've never heard of those symptoms related to AAS use.

Unless you are huge and an obvious steroid user I can't imagine why they would do an expensive test like that...but I'm no expert on that stuff. The blood spots stuff scares me though. Best of luck with it.

Nah I gained weight while on cycle but I mostly trained for strength and endurance so I saw results but was trying to avoid getting too heavy to run. The main reason I was thinking about the steroid test is because I can't imagine very many reason for an otherwise healthy 24 year old suddenly looking like an alcoholic 60 year old.

Have you had any blood work done recently?

More or less sounds like low test, aside from the 'blood spots.' Can you elaborate on that at all?

Are you taking any other medications/supplements etc.?
I have not gotten recent blood work done. I am planning on it next saturday where I can get it done off base. I am taking a normal multivitamin and fish oil. The blood spots are like larger freckles of varying size that are basically spreading over my body from my legs and a lot around the pelvis area but also on my arms.
View attachment 560208

These around what the blood spots look like.

See a doctor. If they are blood spots then you have capillaries bursting all over your body.

I'm 99% sure they can't find your for test... it will be long gone from your system by now. And as mentioned above, testing for AAS is usually really expensive so unless they really want you gone or you turned into a gorilla overnight they won't test you. If they ask say nothing but some supplements and pre work out.

How's your blood pressure?
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Another example of UGL gear having toxins, poisons, heavy metals or other harmful shit.. Testosterone doesn't screw people up and make them sick like that,, it's toxins in the bunk gear u took.

Same thing happened to a good buddy of mine taking a supposedly legit UGL gear,, got pretty sick after about 4 weeks in. Risky risky putting this stuff in your body.. Getting pharmacy gear is not all that hard if you do some research

Sorry to hear man