Caber before cycle for gyno


New member
Hi everyone I'm new here so I don't know if I'm posting in the right section. Before I ask here a some background on my cycle history. I'm 23 5'10 177 lbs. and about 10% bf. I've done 3 cycles in the past last one was about a year ago and it was 500mg of test cup and 400mg of tren e. I didn't know what I was doing and I didn't take an ai or caber. About 6 months ago I started to develop some gyno I had a small lump so I started taking nolvadex and took that at 40mg for 4 weeks then stayed on 20mgs for the last 3 months. It went away nipples felt fine but I've been off for a week now and I'm starting to feel sensitive again and some clear liquid will come out if I put enough pressure on my nipple. A very small amount. I'm aware this is most likely because of prolactin being high so I just wanted to know if I should start taking the caber at .5 every 3 days that I have on hand and how long I should run that? Also I have test e and tren e on hand and I've been holding off because I want to do everything right this time. I have caber arimidex nolvadex and clomid for pct and hcg. Will starting this make my gyno worse even if I'm on caber and arimidex?? Any advise will help thankyou.