Caber / parami questions???


New member
So some I see use parami throughout cycle for it s benifits and some say use when symptoms are shown. What has been your experience or suggestions. Just trying to learn more on the compound from past users.
No. Running npp, just wanted to learn more about it from people who have used before for these reasons.
So some I see use parami throughout cycle for it s benifits and some say use when symptoms are shown. What has been your experience or suggestions. Just trying to learn more on the compound from past users.

DA's have benefits such as a greater feeling of well-being, decreased refractory period after sex, and of course keeps that nasty prolactin down. However, it is also habit forming - so I've kind of changed my stance on it from being always needed to using it if sides start to creep up. Estradiol is the number one concern, so if managing that doesn't keep the limp noodle away, I definitely recommend hitting that caber/prami to bring things back into control.

I've done it with a DA from the start, waited to see if sides came up, and flat-out micromanaged my estradiol to see if I could avoid using a dopamine agonist. The last is the most challenging for sure, but for guys that really can't handle prami (it is the easiest to get ahold of), I do suggest trying to see if E2 control can't work first.

My .02c :)
DA's have benefits such as a greater feeling of well-being, decreased refractory period after sex, and of course keeps that nasty prolactin down. However, it is also habit forming - so I've kind of changed my stance on it from being always needed to using it if sides start to creep up. Estradiol is the number one concern, so if managing that doesn't keep the limp noodle away, I definitely recommend hitting that caber/prami to bring things back into control.

I've done it with a DA from the start, waited to see if sides came up, and flat-out micromanaged my estradiol to see if I could avoid using a dopamine agonist. The last is the most challenging for sure, but for guys that really can't handle prami (it is the easiest to get ahold of), I do suggest trying to see if E2 control can't work first.

My .02c :)

BINGO brother.... DA's have their place, like said, no one wants a limp dick, BUT with all that being said, keep that E2 dialed in and prami will just be one less drug you will need in your regimen...