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Certain nutrients and vitamins can help with the absorption of calcium. To make sure that enough calcium is consumed to balance what is expelled by the body, it is important for people to be aware of how the following substances impact calcium absorption:

Vitamin D increases the absorption rate of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract. This important nutrient is found naturally in only a few foods, including fatty fish (e.g. salmon), liver (and cod liver oil) and egg yolks. In the US, milk and some cereals and breads are fortified with vitamin D. It can also be taken through a nutritional supplement. Vitamin D is also gained by spending time in the sunshine.

Protein is very important as a building block for repairing and replacing tissue, healing fractures and for the functioning of the immune system. However, some studies have shown that when people consume too much protein in relation to the amount of calcium consumed, calcium is leached from the bones as excess protein is burned.

While both protein and calcium are deemed necessary for healthy bones, more research is needed to determine the proper consumption ratio of protein to calcium and how the two substances affect each other.

Sodium and chloride, found in table salt, increase urinary calcium excretion before it can be properly absorbed and utilized by the body for strong bones.

Phosphoric acid is found in phosphorus and carbonated beverages. It is thought that phosphoric acid causes calcium to be replaced in the bone by the phosphoric acid. Although there is still research needed on this topic, milk is usually recommended over carbonated drinks to help maintain healthy bones.

Caffeine from soft drinks, coffee and tea many lead to bone loss if the patient does not consume enough calcium.

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