Calorie + carb intake?


New member
Am wondering how many carbs and calories to consume while dieting. Have have low calorie is obvisously best but is it the same while on gear. Am currently on 300g protein, 100g carbs, 20g fat. Should I up my carbs or not? Am trying to just have protein after 7pm but its sure is hard.

Am taking 750mg test en, 50mg Winstrol (winny) ed and 4tabs clen ed/ 2wks on 2wks off.

Look forward to your views thanks
1,780 kcals - What do you weight like 125 - 150 lb.

My gf diets on about that many kcals!

Your going about this all wrong. Don't think that you'll do better on low carbs.
I didnt mention my cal intake is around 2000 - 2500 and I weigh 215lbs. Want to get as lean as poss but not at th price of losing muscle!

I thought that my carbs and cals wer too low and asked if I should up them!

Still find it hard snacking at night, tend to be eating carbs instead of protein late at hight, what do you do to crave this hunger?

How are you figuring your kcal intake is between 2000 and 2500 (if all your eating is 300g Protein/100g Carbs/20g Fat)

And for you answer yes i think you should up your carbs
massive said:
Am currently on 300g protein, 100g carbs, 20g fat.
Massive, to explain what DirkMoneyshot is saying... this is how we know how many calories you are ingesting

300g protein (4 calories/g)=1,200 calories
100g carbs (4 calories/g)=400 calories
20g fat (9 calories/g)=180 calories

total=1780 calories

Unless you are drinking alcohol or mistaken about your c/p/f intake, this is your caloric intake.