Calories on first cycle ?


New member
I'm taking 500 test e , starting next week ,one pinn a week for 10 weeks. I got 30 20mg nolva for pct. Adex .25 eod. I'm 5 foot 6 187lbs , been lifting for a month. Stats are , bench 175x5 , squat 175x5. Dead 245x5. I'm currently losing 2 lbs a week and lifts going up 10 lbs a week. How should I adjust my calories when I start my cycle next week?
How old are you ???

I won't bash you but if you have only been lifting a month you have NO BUSINESS doing steroids. Doing this can lead to a host of physical injuries that if not happen right away can come to haunt your body sooner then later and have very long serious effects for the rest of your life.

This is a very BAD idea. What is your BF% At this weight n height and never lifting you might have a much to high % BF
I'm 32. I have prior lifting and cycle experience. I just haven't lifted in 3years and did ts400 years ago but got cut short at 5 weeks due to legal issues. I don't know how to post pics on mobile but guess I'm around 25 % body fat. My goal is to build strength and be around 15\20 percent body fat. I'm currently doing ice cream fitness routine
Ok now better info. However if you have cy led before and have experience lifting, well all the more reason to not cycle for a min of 6 plus months.

No one wants to wait but I tell you you will hurt yourself. As I said earlier maybe not right off but this will put so much more stress on your joints and tendons.

I must emphasize my own mistakes, done that, been there and at 66 years old can testify.
Done this to the point of not really feeling the increased strength from AAS because it was already a part of my strength. You get it. So from the staring dock I was lifting more then I could / should. So I have problems . I an just one of thousands that can testify. " Should of waited"

You should know better then to cycle with such high BF% While you do your build up of you base n other tendons n joints you can diet and get your BF% IN CHECK with aligning your diet.

Get some BW during this time.

You will do what you want but I have a moral responsibility ( I do) to tell it like it is. In the short and long run you will benefit more by waiting. Listen it ain't all about the drugs and if you can't get this rolling without you won't get it done correctly with AAS.

Are u gonna be bulking or cutting through cycle?? Id run test e 500 mg without adex and id bulk slowly if i were u id aim for like 3k plus calories and check weight and bf, if weight goes up while bf is either being maintained or lowering id stay there if weight is not going up then up calories if bf goes up slowly lower calories. Go up or down by 100 cals til. U hit that sweet spot. If u wanna cut on cycle then stay where ur at
This is a very BAD idea. What is your BF% At this weight n height and never lifting you might have a much too high % BF
190lbs guessing 25 percent?
A lil higher but not bad just eat healthier to lean out some at 2400 calories a day
2rice cakes 4tbsp peanut or almond butter 3\4cup brown rice 300cals of chicken breast 1cup br300 cals breast for at least 2months cut dont cycle yet, concentrate on diet and eating healthy
Bloods came in today , I'm at 287 test. So I decided I'm going to c***se and blast. 250 for the first 10 weeks , 500 for 10 weeks after , and c***se at 125
I don't get it what do you think 250/mgs wk is going to do for you?

Why not just start the 500mgs wk
Why waist the 10/wks and 2500/mgs of test.

I can't even figure out you goal now.. ?? You wanna c***se ? Or cycle or blast. 500 mgs isn't a blast it is a low beginner cycle
WTH is the 250 mgs.and then 125...I don't get your thinking.
250 a week will put me 1000-1500 range , plenty to get some this body fat off me while even gaining muscle. 500 to start putting on some mass , and 125 to c***se.