can a brother get some help!?


New member
3rd cycle

1-15 test e @600mg/week
1-13 eq @600mg/week
9-15 anavar @60mg/day
17-20 nolva @ 40/40/20/20

I NEED help choosing how much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to run and how often to shoot it. I read article and was thinking of doing 500iu everyday throughout the entire cycle until 4 days before starting nolva. What u guys think?
250iu 2x a week is correct brother. BTW what part of jersey are you in?

Im in teaneck..should I start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at week 2 and run in up until post cycle therapy (pct)? Or should I run it thoroughout my post cycle therapy (pct) too? Also I heard if u run aromasin while on then u cnt run nolva as ur post cycle therapy (pct)? Is that true?
Start it 2 weeks in, stop it like a week before post cycle therapy (pct). I never heard about not running nolva after aromasin.
Im in teaneck..should I start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at week 2 and run in up until post cycle therapy (pct)? Or should I run it thoroughout my post cycle therapy (pct) too? Also I heard if u run aromasin while on then u cnt run nolva as ur post cycle therapy (pct)? Is that true?
