This is one of those topics that are often scrutinized supported with a preconceived notion in which people see in movies, the media or entertainment, when it concerns the personalities, or characteristics and mood changes..
In all of my years I have seen all sorts of transitions with utilizing AAS... for the vast majority I have seen it greatly influenced and change lives, with a positive signature..
Now there has been individuals that have had some sort of underlining issue with mental health, or even mental health issues within their families, and I have seen steroids be counterproductive and actually make people manic... but this was partially due to the sensitivity of secretions that they were already predisposed of, a genetic predis**********..
But this can go with relatively any drug, I have seen people be very successful throughout their life and never touch a drop of alcohol and then I have witnessed them consume alcohol, and their life will spiral out of control, with their cognitive thinking and behavior... was it the drug or a genetic chemical imbalance that was a ticking time bomb?
Now I have also seen people become instant assholes while taking steroids and the same applies for alcohol, however 99% of these people were already in some sort unstable or an ass hole with some sort of character defect, whether it was an inferiority complex, depression or something with their ego....
From my findings with studies and personal experience, I have seen and read studies concerning androgens and bared witness that any instances that may occur with other behaviors or induced personality disorders is more individualized with some sort of underlining issue...
If someone is an asshole you can guarantee androgens are going to make them a bigger ass hole, because of the increase with wellness and a feeling of alpha...
We can debate this all day when it concerns moderation and abuse.... with the people that I surround myself with I consider them very level-headed individuals, what's in the open when it concerns social behaviors or ramifications due to run ins with the law I had not seen much if any.. what happens behind closed doors is something I can't speak of....
So in my humble opinion I think it's fair to say there is a lot of over exaggeration with the expression concerning steroids and it affects socially on individuals, the same applies physically with health.. Media has done a fine job!!!
When was the last time you seen someone on a street corner sucking dick for Dianabol, or doing stick up for tren?