Can gear make you lazy?


New member
Maybe it's just coincidence, but it seems like ever since I started using, I have no motivation to things I used to like to do. I used to do improvements around the house, mess with hopping up cars, things like that. But it seems now all I want to do is go to the gym, eat, sleep and have sex. Heck, I'm getting low on my supply and I've been too darned lazy to even filter some fresh gear.

Has this happened to anyone else? Or is it all in my head?
sometimes i get lazy in the gym when im not juicing.. but it doesn't seem to effect my life outside of lifting.
I noticed the same thing,when I am on I have alot less motivation around the house and at work.I find it is hard to stay focused on my job when I am at work,probably because I think too much about my physique changing and what I am going to eat for my next meal.Luckily I am self employed so there is no boss to get pissed at me for taking arm and waist measurements in the middle of work hours.LOL
i get lazy as well... like the others said. all i do is juice, eat, sleep, sex. its all that is going on in my head, the tiredness comes from growing. i always find that at least.
gear make me lazy...

Only when I run gear that I doubt it's fake.
My brain was overbusy by thinking...
It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good It's fake...It's good
oooh damn another loop...:confused: :(
fucking fakers.
No dbol...just tren and prop. And I'm not tired, I simply have no motivation to do normal life activities. Plenty of motivation in the gym and in bed though.
May be your body and mind adjusting to weight gain.

Try this: Get up, and get moving. Get in a brief aerobic session. 25 minutes of low medium/medium intensity jogging is not going to lose you anything if you replenish afterwards. Always gives me an E boost when bulking.
When my cycle is over a gram and a half I have the same problem. Less than that I seem to have more motivation for "real life" activities.
Funny some one brought this up because I am the same way there has been so much shit I needed to do around my house and cars but I just can't motivate myself to do that stuff. GUess that will be the good thing about coming off.
Usually after about 7-8 weeks of being on a cycle,I start looking forward to getting off so I can start being productive around the house again and start feeling normal again.
When I was on all I wanted to do was lift and sleep. It seems like I was alwayz sleepin. I totally know what ur talkin about!
Maybe your spending all you energy in the gym and cooking and eating. After that, I dont blame you for feeling like that, I do too.