Can I cum Faster???


Damm it I Love Fighting
Ok I have this problem. If I don't cum in the first 10 minutes, I will not cum. This has happened to me for ever. At first my wife was very pleased but now there is no quikies for me and our intimacy has drop because of my long lasting fuck fest olympics.

Is there something that can increase the sensitivity of the penis and make you cum faster? Can an increase in the volume of the amount of sperm we produce be a factor? Can Clomid help me?

Any suggestions will be good at this point. :bj:
It dosent seem like you have a problem gettin it to work so viagra aint it. You have had this problem forever so HRT dosent seem right either. I think it is probly a mental block and maybe a good shrink might do the trick.

Wat did your x-wives look like? Cause if they look like some of the girls i've fucked recently then I dont blame you for not nutting!
rub the underside of your cock with really fine sandpaper. It will make it reall sensitive and you will bust in like .1345 seconds
Button Buck said:
rub the underside of your cock with really fine sandpaper. It will make it reall sensitive and you will bust in like .1345 seconds

WTF!!!! :laugh4:
I'm 31 so no Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), I did Tribulus and it got me horny beyond comprehension, now on Test Enan 350 and still can bust a nut and I'm too horny to live. :insane2:
I have this problem too, your cock gets like desensitized and her cunt gets all temporarily stretched out so there's hardly any friction left. Stick it in her ass or make her finish you with her mouth... thas what i do.
Porn stars clench their ass cheeks to blow a load quicker or on cue.

ps. If your going to use sandpaper make sure you put some a belt sander and turn that shit on HIGH
I_feel_nothing said:
I have this problem too, your cock gets like desensitized and her cunt gets all temporarily stretched out so there's hardly any friction left. Stick it in her ass or make her finish you with her mouth... thas what i do.

I think your screen name says it all.
I have the same issue, I think its definetly something mental or related to jerkin your gerkin too much. Im usually ok but sometimes I just cant do it, but then 5 min with myself and I can. who knows. The woman always ends up happy though.