Can I Get Some Help?


New member
I've searched thru pages and pages about post cycle therapy (pct), but can't find the answere I'm looking for. I've been off of M1T for at least 4 months and I took the Protein Factory's post cycle therapy (pct) like I was suppose to. The past 2 months, however, I've noticed puffiness around my nips and I can feel tissue lumps. My question is, will taking something like Nolva, Clomid or 6-OXO lessen these lumps or am I stuck with 'em? Please help.
You need to begin taking Nolva immediately at 60-80mg/day for at least a week. If the lumps go down, reduce the dose to 40mg/day for 2 more weeks and then 20mg/day for the last week for a total of 4 weeks. This may reduce the lumps but 4 months is a long time. You should never begin a cycle without adequate post cycle therapy (pct) on hand and Protein Factory's post cycle therapy (pct) is not gonna work. M1T is a steroid and all appropriate precautions should be taken in order to prevent side affects such as this. Good luck bro!!
Yeah, if that's what it is. The puffiness kind of comes and goes, and it is more evident in the right than left. When I first noticed the small lump, I went to the doctor and had it checked out, since cancer runs so high in my family. Nothing came up on the scan though and he said it was probably nothing. That's when I started to wonder. I did take two cycles of M1T. The first I was on for 3-4 weeks before noticing lower back pain. I was off for at least a month before I went to 2 weeks on, at least 2 weeks off.

Any suggestions on what to take nolva with? I've heard it tastes like crap.
Just an update. The liquid nolva seems to be working. It's almost like it's softening the tissue in my nips. Think I'm gonna have to order some more though. At 120mg/day, I'm already running low. What's to stop the gyno from coming back, once the nolva is finished? Does gyno come and go like that?
I would reduce the dose to around 40-60mg/day and see if the reduction continues. More than likely the gyno will not return but you need to be aware for future cycles that you are prone to gyno.

If the tissue is soft and more like fat, try YES from Anabolicfitness. It's a topical fat burner that helps burn fat caused by estrogen.