can insulin by itself while being natty make any difference?

Sure, it can make you nice and fat.

Insulin does not just put muscle on you, it allows you to absorb ALL those calories by forcing them into your cells. If you're not in an anabolic state, you get fat. If you consume too many calories, you get fat. It's just a bad idea to mess with insulin unless you really know what you're doing and actually NEED it to grow.

My .02c :)
Sure, it can make you nice and fat.

Insulin does not just put muscle on you, it allows you to absorb ALL those calories by forcing them into your cells. If you're not in an anabolic state, you get fat. If you consume too many calories, you get fat. It's just a bad idea to mess with insulin unless you really know what you're doing and actually NEED it to grow.

My .02c :)

sso if im natty bulking 2 pounds a month how can the insulin suddenly make me fat?
Yeah, insulin goes both ways. It can also shuttle calories into fat cells. Not a good idea. Like running t3 by itself.
sso if im natty bulking 2 pounds a month how can the insulin suddenly make me fat?

It doesn't suddenly make you fat. It's a simple matter of calories in versus calories out. Insulin speeds up the process of putting those nutrients/calories to work. If you're eating more calories than you use, and don't have the benefit of AAS - you will put on body fat. You're not putting on 2lbs of muscle a month right now either; unless you're 17.
It doesn't suddenly make you fat. It's a simple matter of calories in versus calories out. Insulin speeds up the process of putting those nutrients/calories to work. If you're eating more calories than you use, and don't have the benefit of AAS - you will put on body fat. You're not putting on 2lbs of muscle a month right now either; unless you're 17.

At the risk of jacking the thread a bit...

I wonder what would occur if using insulin in a caloric deficit? We know under normal circumstances in a deficit insulin levels are more or less irrelevant, they will always drop during post-absorptive phase allowing nutrient release MORE than post-prandial phase causing storage. But what if you maintained high levels of insulin (exogenously) throughout the day whilst in a deficit?

Food for thought?
At the risk of jacking the thread a bit...

I wonder what would occur if using insulin in a caloric deficit? We know under normal circumstances in a deficit insulin levels are more or less irrelevant, they will always drop during post-absorptive phase allowing nutrient release MORE than post-prandial phase causing storage. But what if you maintained high levels of insulin (exogenously) throughout the day whilst in a deficit?

Food for thought?

Depends on the source of said calories. If you're consuming less carbohydrates than needed to sustain blood glucose, hypoglycemia will likely happen. I honestly don't know if there would be any other benefits if carb intake matched the required insulin input, other than the potential for creating insulin resistance. Dropping my insulin down (diabetic) was the first thing I had to do when I started drastically cutting calories. While in ketosis, I can't have any insulin at all - or I go hypo pretty fast.
Insulin should only be used with human grade hgh no scientific proof it's just what my mom told me
Depends on the source of said calories. If you're consuming less carbohydrates than needed to sustain blood glucose, hypoglycemia will likely happen. I honestly don't know if there would be any other benefits if carb intake matched the required insulin input, other than the potential for creating insulin resistance. Dropping my insulin down (diabetic) was the first thing I had to do when I started drastically cutting calories. While in ketosis, I can't have any insulin at all - or I go hypo pretty fast.

That's a good point, I guess the carbohydrate intake needed to avoid hypo would put you at a surplus anyway. I think up strange situations sometimes when trying to avoid study :roll:

Insulin should only be used with human grade hgh no scientific proof it's just what my mom told me

Your mum's a smart lady lol
I strongly suggest you read my post on insulin here:

Insulin is NOT anabolic, as in it doesn't promote muscle growth in isolation like other hormones (test, etc).
It is, however, anti-catabolic in that it reduces protein breakdown and therefore enhances overall net protein balance. But since normal insulin spikes caused by consuming the right foods can reduce protein breakdown by up to 74%, and it would take very high daily doses to enhance this effect, I see no reason for it to be used as a stand alone.

Basically, an insulin only cycle when bulking will be a waste of time for everyone apart from those who are experts in nutrition, nutrient timing, nutritional partitioning, etc.

At the risk of jacking the thread a bit...

I wonder what would occur if using insulin in a caloric deficit? We know under normal circumstances in a deficit insulin levels are more or less irrelevant, they will always drop during post-absorptive phase allowing nutrient release MORE than post-prandial phase causing storage. But what if you maintained high levels of insulin (exogenously) throughout the day whilst in a deficit?

Food for thought?

The main benefits, if the diet is programmed correctly, would relate to the nutrient partitioning effects - increased glycogen storage, less glycogen depletion, less protein breakdown, better workouts = all good stuff for preserving muscle.

But considering it will do nothing to speed up fat loss, and that insulin sensitivity gets better & better the longer you diet anyway, I don't see it as being anything worth talking about.
Maybe if used during refeeds, carb load days like on UD 2.0, etc - maybe...

As for keeping it high throughout the day - pointless & detrimental in a lot of ways when dieting.
That's a good point, I guess the carbohydrate intake needed to avoid hypo would put you at a surplus anyway. I think up strange situations sometimes when trying to avoid study :roll:

It's possible, but I don't know what benefits there would be to be honest.
PrinceDianabol said:
49ER said:
Insulin should only be used with human grade hgh no scientific proof it's just what my mom told me

Your mum's a smart lady lol
And swole too! :wiggle:
I strongly suggest you read my post on insulin here:

Insulin is NOT anabolic, as in it doesn't promote muscle growth in isolation like other hormones (test, etc).
It is, however, anti-catabolic in that it reduces protein breakdown and therefore enhances overall net protein balance. But since normal insulin spikes caused by consuming the right foods can reduce protein breakdown by up to 74%, and it would take very high daily doses to enhance this effect, I see no reason for it to be used as a stand alone.

Basically, an insulin only cycle when bulking will be a waste of time for everyone apart from those who are experts in nutrition, nutrient timing, nutritional partitioning, etc.

The main benefits, if the diet is programmed correctly, would relate to the nutrient partitioning effects - increased glycogen storage, less glycogen depletion, less protein breakdown, better workouts = all good stuff for preserving muscle.

But considering it will do nothing to speed up fat loss, and that insulin sensitivity gets better & better the longer you diet anyway, I don't see it as being anything worth talking about.
Maybe if used during refeeds, carb load days like on UD 2.0, etc - maybe...

As for keeping it high throughout the day - pointless & detrimental in a lot of ways when dieting.

Yeah, I knew it would be pointless towards the goal of dieting just curious as to what would happen in such a circumstance. Insulin blocking release of nutrients, yet the deficit demanding a supply.

Interesting on the carb loading.. and UD2.0. I think Lyle actually mentions in there but I've never really had access to insulin anyway. The carb load in ud2.0 is pretty fucking phenomenal as a natty... Insulin + ASS would feel like a God haha. I managed to swing about 10-12lbs between depletion and loading following that programme natty. I wonder how painful the pumps would be on cycle lol....