can pubertal gyno flare up on cycle with e2 on check ?


New member
Like the title says can pubertal gyno flare up on a test only cycle even if my e2 is within range? and if so whats the cause and what can i do?
Like the title says can pubertal gyno flare up on a test only cycle even if my e2 is within range? and if so whats the cause and what can i do?

you can run Raloxifene every time you run Test,, just as an insurance policy to keep gyno at bay
Cool thanks I think I'm having a flare up, nips are sore and sensitive , pretty sure e2 is on check(last reading was 19pg/ml 15 days ago)
getting my 5th week in bloodwork tomorrow for e2 and TT.
Ordering ralox at the moment.
Should I store my liquid ralox in the refrigerator? I know somewhere here in the forum theres a thread about rui products storage but I can't seem to find it.
I keep my liquidex in my kitchen in the vitamins cabinet but I read somewhere ralox should be in refrigerator and if someone have that link of rui products storage on hand would be awesome been trying to find it but no luck.

Found the thread, yep it says ralox should be stored in the refrigerator.
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As a mammary removed member I can definitively say Hell Yes. Ur so prone...e2 may be just one avenue of gyno..instead of making breast tissue u could make breast milk....

Band aids worked great for me till u go to the lake....doh...
Got my ralox in the mail today gotta love RUI fast shipping, will run 60mg ED (shoulda have this thing in hand in the first place, but i thought AI and e2 managment was enough )for the rest of my blast, hope that thing takes care of my flared up tities.
i may even run it longer and give it a shot at gyno reversal i heard is 50/50 success.

oh by the way anyone that had rui ralox is this thing supposed to be super viscous and have to shake it alot to get it to mix well ? sorry i only had experience with liquidex and that is like water lol
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