Can someone help me finish setting up my bulking diet?


New member
I weigh 5'11 at 205 right now and am planning my bulking diet. My caloric maintenance level is about 3,300, so to bulk i need it at about 3,800 cals/day. The ratios i want are 45/35/20 (Carbs/Protein/Fats). I counted all my macros that pretty much stay the same from day to day which equals 3,272 calories (my maintenance level) (breakfast,3 solid meals, protein shake). however, i need to add another 500 calories, and also redistribute the food to achieve the ratios above. right now my diet ratios are sitting at 60.7/34.2/5.1 (C/P/F). so the carbs are too high, protein is spot on, and fats are too low. i need someone to help me add the additional 500 calories, while getting the ratios to 45/35/20. heres a picture of my diet so far.
Maybe get rid of the milk and the banana...where the heck are your nuts like almonds and peanuts? 1 serving of almonds is like 170 cals and 14 g of fat 6 protein. Sub in 2 servings maybe? maybe some p.b with a shake?
Maybe get rid of the milk and the banana...where the heck are your nuts like almonds and peanuts? 1 serving of almonds is like 170 cals and 14 g of fat 6 protein. Sub in 2 servings maybe? maybe some p.b with a shake?

i totally forgot about nuts and p.b.! why would you get rid of the milk and banana? the reason for the milk is bc in the morning my first meal is a shake consisting of milk,banana,oats,egg whites,etc....
Don't use ratios for P/C/F. Your ratios are leaving you right at the minimum in dietary fat. 20% of your energy intake (3800calories) is coming out to around 80g fat. I would take out some carbs to add another 10g of fat or so. For fats you can eat whole eggs, avacados, nuts, seeds, EVOO, butter, etc.
^ this. And bring down your protein a bit. For your body weight you really only need around 260g's. Keep the fats pretty high 90 - 100g's, then fill in the rest with carbs.
a secondary issue i see is that your relying on chicken alot.. switch it up, eating the same thing day in and out can lead to a food born allergy..

at some point you will want to switch from complex carbs to semi-simple carbs if the bulk becomes more difficult.. simply switching the brown rice to white rice does this.. but your not there yet..

i would personally have your macros look like this

300g protein.. 1200 calories
500g carbs.. 2000 calories
100g fats... 900 calories

throw in a cheat meal twice a week and that should do the trick
a secondary issue i see is that your relying on chicken alot.. switch it up, eating the same thing day in and out can lead to a food born allergy..

I have actually NEVER heard of this before... I honestly eat almost the same exact shit every single day. I'll change it up for maybe a week every so often but then right back to it. It's a lot easier to manage meals that way. I'll definitely have to look into this more though... How often do you recommend changing up foods?
I have actually NEVER heard of this before... I honestly eat almost the same exact shit every single day. I'll change it up for maybe a week every so often but then right back to it. It's a lot easier to manage meals that way. I'll definitely have to look into this more though... How often do you recommend changing up foods?

its a well known issue.. milos sarcev did a bit about it years ago...

why people dont realize they have it is because the tests to see what your allergic to can be expensive.. it takes a specialists...
I have actually NEVER heard of this before... I honestly eat almost the same exact shit every single day. I'll change it up for maybe a week every so often but then right back to it. It's a lot easier to manage meals that way. I'll definitely have to look into this more though... How often do you recommend changing up foods?

Its much more common to develop an intolerance to something which would lead to certain symptoms like what you'd see in gluten intolerance for example (that's why there's a difference between gluten intolerance and full blown Celiac's disease). Developing a full blown food allergy is more rare but not unheard of. Symptoms won't always show like you'd expect and the tendency would be to just dismiss it as you ate something your stomach did not agree with. Many ppl have food allergies they're just not aware of due to what 3J said, $$$. A full panel to test for the most common allergens could cost well over $1,000. Shit I wanted to test myself for gluten intolerance as my cousin had Celiac's disease and whenever I eat certain carbs I bloat heavily. Without insurance the test on privatemdlabs is around $500-600.
Well son of a bitch I better start switchin' it up then. Chicken is just so cheap and easy to make a meal out of.

You can obviously keep chicken in your diet as your main P source but one or two meals a day or at least several meals a week switch it up, get a couple steaks, ground beef, fish, bison, turkey, etc.