Can these be used to reconstitute and store IGF ?


New member
1) BW + vinegar

2)1% acetic acid

3)If the IGF needs an acidic environment can it be reconstituted in an injectable antiinflammatory most of which are acids.


5)b-12 (the injectable solution contains acetic acid too)

These are my options for reconstituting and storing my IGF.I cannot find BA or AA (with the specified properties-100mM).
Ive heard of some using vinegar, and you're on the right track with the acidic environment. However, BA is the tried and true method of reconsitution. Any well know reseller uses ba (MR, BP, CS etc etc) I just got a vial from gropep, and ill be using BA for reconstitution.
To the best of my knowledge BA is the only choice right now, which is easily accessible.

I don't know what you are referring to by "specified properties-100mM"

could you school me on that?
I don't know about the others, but BA is safe. You can easily get it from our sponsor, Their banner is on the front page.
Right now i'm in a situation that it's impossible to accept any kind of suspicious looking letters.
I don't open letters myself,they are opened and forwarded to me.
Just not living in my house.

BA is the long known method.Lately some sources send Acetic Acid as the material of choice because it leaves no residue in the vial's walls (BA is supposed to be sticky after reconstitution) and no IGF is lost.

Vinegar IS acetic acid but the sources mention it has to be a certain way (thus the 100mM i'm talking about).

My B-12 comes in 2ml ampules containing sodium chloride,sodium acetate ,water for injection and acetic acid + 1mg of hydroxobalamine acetate (B12).
Could this also be used ?

I think i'll go with this one ,BW doesn't sound good and i cannot filter nor sterilize vinegar...