Canned chicken?...and proposed diet...


Ya like strippers?
Is canned chicken any good for ya? I see it in there next to the tuna but never tried it...whats your take on it??

Two month cutting diet...please critique, advise or slam as you see fit..
lean protein equals one of the following in an amount that will get me about 30-40g protein....(chcicken breat, eggs, tuna, lean beef etc etc...)

7:30am - lean protein, half cup oatmeal (bump to 1 cup?), fruit

Every two to three hours after:

lean protein source, 1 cup or more of leafy greens (bump to 2 cup greens?)

After about 7pm i'd chill and before i went to bed some natty peanut butt with a protein shake (100g protein) i've taken 100g of this shit no prob, Easto recommended this true protein place i think its called and that shit is fuckin money...also taking multi vitamin..plan to start Monday...

I plan to run this for two months in preparation for 4th test cycle..
6'0 208 18%BF..i was down to about 193 (12%bf).. coming off bad leg surgery...i have clen but am opting to use post cycle..wanting to get down to about 190 at is good, cardio is going to be intense in deep south alabama heat and humidity.. :)
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Canned chicken is fucking expensive when compared pound for pound. Plus IMO tastes like crap because it sits in water and preservatives for god knows how long. Only thing I'd ever use it for would be chicken salad but you prolly won't be eating mayonaise.
Circus said:
Canned chicken is fucking expensive when compared pound for pound. Plus IMO tastes like crap because it sits in water and preservatives for god knows how long. Only thing I'd ever use it for would be chicken salad but you prolly won't be eating mayonaise.
fat free mayo and chicken is a quick/easy high protein meal . ive used it myself many times to fill in when i didnt have time to prepare food in advance .chicken /fat free mayo/onion/dill relish .